Thursday, November 24, 2011

Forever thankful

On this Thanksgiving I'd just like to say that I am I very thankful for my girls. I am amazed that I made out so lucky in this life to have you. I am truly humbled to have you, Jillian, as my wife. Little Lucy, I couldn't imagine before you arrived the love you'd end up making me feel. I am a blessed man.

I'll love you both forever!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

An apology

Words hurt. The pain they can cause can last much longer than physical pain. Sometimes we say or type, depending on the delivery, things that do damage that was unintended. I use this blog as a forum the to clear my mind. Sometimes I write about video games. Sometimes it's about sports. I even wrote a few detailed blogs about the different hotels I've stayed in while playing in Vegas. However, many of my blogs have been very personal.

I started this blog back when my wife and I were going through a very difficult time. I used this blog to vent, to heal, to establish a connection, and to reach out to her. Similarly, I've used this blog to write about on going issues with other family members. In doing so it has helped me clear my mind and to work through my pain. But in doing so I have continued to hurt those I want to reestablish a connection with. They say there are two sides to every story and I've put out my side for all to see. I realize that it isn't fair to put that stuff out there, especially since the others don't have a voice in the situation.

I'd like to say that I'm going to stop writing about any family trouble, and that is my plan, but I don't want to make a promise and seem like a liar if I end up word vomiting on here. With that said, I really am going to try to stay away from throwing anyone under the bus. Even if I feel a certain way, or I'm hurt by the situation, throwing it out for all to read won't fix anything. I'm going to try to stick to the happy-sappy stuff and the silly frivolous stuff on this blog. I can always start a diary if I need to work out my family dealings.

To all of my family, the ones on good terms, and to the ones on fragile terms, just know I love you. All I want is for you to be happy and to have peace. I want nothing but good things for everyone. I want to be a good father to my sweet baby girl and I'm going to focus my energy into loving her. Life is too short to have any ill will towards anyone. I choose to fill my life with love. I never meant to make the situation worse, I just wanted to work through it the best way I knew how. I do apologize. I love all of you, and I'll always be here.

Monday, October 10, 2011

First Kiss

The other night my baby was a bit restless. When she gets fussy or wiggly we put her in front of a mirror. She loves talking to her reflection more than anything else. Huge smiles and glowing eyes happen every time she locks eyes with the girl in the mirror. When she is close enough to the mirror she tries to kiss the baby (bey-ba in Lu speak). Mommy was holding her and we were laughing at how cute she was being. I then leaned in and gave them a hug. When I leaned in, little Lu tilted her head and gave me a kiss on the corner of my mouth, just like she does to her reflection. She has never kissed back, let alone gave a kiss herself. I was so shocked and happy at the same time, all I could do was cry. This is one of the happiest moments of my life and I'll never forget it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Random Sports thoughts...

Does anyone else feel really bad about Peyton Manning? The guy had the longest active streak of games started by an NFL quarterback, and now after two serious neck surgeries, he's sitting on the sidelines. The last time someone else started at QB in Indy was in 1997. That guy is now the Head Coach of the 49ers, Jim Harbaugh. Peyton seems like a stand up guy and is probably the best QB in football. Just doesn't seem right without him there.

Speaking of football, how 'bout the Giants? Always love watching the Eagles lose, especially to the G-Men.

The NBA canceled the preseason. Yikes. This doesn't look good. I'm afraid the season will be lost and this certainly won't help this league that has been struggling to keep people interested since MJ hung 'em up. I really hope they get this labor dispute figured out!

Floyd Mayweather did not "cheat" and gave Ortiz what he deserved. If you don't know what I am talking about, look it up!

Pro-wrestling (yes, it's scripted, but it's still sporting) has really been good since CM Punk ran his mouth. I haven't been into Raw this much in 10 years.

Lastly, I just have to throw Jimmer Fredette's name out there. My number one read blog was the one where I talked about Jimmer playing in the NBA. I may have also poked a bit of fun at the rap song made about him too... Anyhow, for some reason google search has been throwing that blog out there for people and it has been read 5 times to 1 on any other blog I've wrote. Just wanted to see if I threw his name out there again, if this one would be read that much too. Gotta love BYU COugar fans and their undying love for Jimmermania!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Daddy & Daughter Part 1

Well these photos were suppose to start with her right after birth and then progress, but blogger loads the photos backwards, so I guess start at the bottom and work your way up? Anyway, here a few pics of me and my little one.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Post

I realize that I have been posting quite a few sad, angry, or depressing posts lately. I'm actually a fairly happy person, I just use this as a forum to get things off my chest. It's therapeutic. With that said, for every boo-hoo blog I write I need to write a couple happy posts to help counterbalance things. So on with the non-pissy stuff!

Baby Lucille is a riot! She now claps and actually says "yay" when doing so. It's so funny. She gives the best smiles every time I come home from work. What makes these smiles even better is seeing her two front teeth that have come in. Poor thing has been a bit cranky during teething, but overall I think she's handled it great. She's so strong and she lefts herself up all the time. She tries so hard to just get up and run. I really think this girl is going to skip the crawling stage and jump directly into sprinting!

We hit up the state fair last week. It rained all day, but it was still fun. We took Lucy and when she wasn't snoozing, she was having fun. One of the carnival vendors thought she was cute and gave her a Utah Jazz hat he was selling. We ate delicious food and just enjoyed our friends and the atmosphere. The next morning Jill, Lucy, and I went to the Tracy Aviary at Liberty Park. Lucy enjoyed seeing all the birds and we shared the perfect morning as a family!

Last night I sold my scooter. I really wanted it when I bought it, but I just never had the time to really use it. The guy that bought it off me will get much more use out of it then I did. With it being sold I have downsized my toy collection quite a bit. I guess it's just one more step towards being a functioning adult.

In two weeks I am going to be the best-man at Brian A. and Rachel's wedding! It's an honor to be selected to be apart of their day. I hope only the best for these two dear friends. I have another friend who is planning on getting married next year and he also asked if I'd be his best-man. I'm excited to take part in that wedding because this mystery friend has been apart of my life longer than anyone else that isn't actual family. For those of you who know who I am talking about, just know I don't know if he has formally announced it yet, so keep quiet! ;)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Uncontrollable Anxiety

I'm 31 years old. When in the hell did this happen? I still feel like I act and do the same dumb ass things as I did when I was 21. But somehow I am now closer to 40 than 20. Thinking about that has me really freaking out...

My mother died when she was 38. My Grandma Lucille was in her 50's. My father's mom died in her 30's when my dad was just a child. My buddy Grant died at 23, albeit by his own hand. All of these people left way too early and I can't help but think, every night as I try to fall asleep, that my time is right around the corner. Every single night as I try to sleep I can't help but think that I am one day closer to my death.

But what is a 31 year old man suppose to be anyways? I have a decent paying job, that I do not enjoy. That seems pretty common, right? I have been married for almost 7 years and I have a wonderful baby girl. That seems about right. But is it normal for a 31 year old man to play Xbox or to stay up late on the internet listening to music and writing blogs that only a handful of people notice? Is it normal to wear football jerseys, baseball caps, screen printed tee's, and khaki shorts? I just feel like maybe I look and act much younger than I am. Plus, most of my friends are almost 10 years my junior...

I'm not trying to hold onto my youth, but I just don't feel like I know how to let go. I'm not sure I need to let go either. I guess that's my problem, I just don't know what I am suppose to be.

I know I want to be the best husband to Jill. She's a great lady and she deserves the best. I know that I want to be the best daddy to Lucy. I just don't know how I am suppose to do that. Sometimes I want to quit my job and find work that would actually allow me to be off when Jill is. I'm sure it would pay less, but what is more important; more money for my family and spending more time away from them, or less money and more time spent together? I struggle with this all the time. I am the man and I am suppose to "bring home the bacon" so I feel like I just have to go to work and bring home the money. However, my heart tells me to leave my job, give up many of my luxuries, and spend more time at home with my loved ones.

But above all of these worries, the thing that bothers me the most is not having my dad around. My sweet daughter is almost 10 months old and he has yet to hold her. I wish I understood how to control this pain because I am afraid this above all, will lead me to that early grave I dream about nightly...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Camping 2011

I love camping. I'm not quite sure camping loves me though. Once again I had a tent commit suicide while I slept in it. I mean it was bad enough that this tent was much smaller than advertised and that I had to sleep in a very small corner on the unforgiving ground. But the tent caved in on itself, smothering me and letting the rain fall on my face! This happened the first night. I slept in there for two more.

The rest of the trip was fun though. We camped near Bear Lake, up by Minnetonka Cave. I love it up in that area. This is where my Mother's family is from. My Aunt Charlotte (Chuck) lives in the house my Poppa (Grandpa) was born in, in a little town called Bloomington. My sister Sarah is currently living up there too. Up the dirt road on the top of a hill overlooking the Bear Lake Valley is my Mothers and Grandparents final resting places. Obviously I am deeply rooted to this area.

We camped with Jill's parents, who I adore. They are such great people. Jill's had extended family there too and they feed us delicious food every night. So much in fact that I gained 5lbs! My brother Brian and his wife (Krystal) and son (Issac) came up with us. Those three shared the lovely tent with me. But what was really cool is that my Aunt Suzie (on my Dad's side) reserved the spot next door to us. She came up along with my brother Keven and his family (Tiff, Tayvia, and Eyslee). It was cool to have so many loved ones up there from all sides of the family! I just hope I did a good job of spending time with everyone and not making anyone feel left out.

We went to Minnetonka Cave and we hiked to Bloomington Lake, which by the way is the prettiest place on Earth. My Poppa once said something along the lines of - "God created the Heavens, the Earth, and then Bloomington". The hike isn't too treacherous, but when you're as out of shape as I am and you are caring your 20lb baby girl, your legs will feel the burn. Plus, it was especially hot this time of year up there. I think we all melted a bit each day!

The best part of the trip though was spending time with my wife and daughter. Lucy has been a bit cranky lately and she let us know when she was unhappy, but for the most part she was an angel. Jill and I had a great time taking her cute little pictures. She's such a ham for the camera. Oh and speaking of Lucy, my Aunt Charlotte has given her her very own horse. That's right, my 8 month old baby has her own horse. She's a cute little pony named Bumper. Lu was a bit confused around the horse, but I am sure, especially since she's from my family, she'll be on that horse in no time!

I'm sure this was our last camping adventure of the year, but I can't wait for next year! I'm going to buy myself an awesome tent, built for a king! Or at least one that isn't all emo and hurts itself and whithers away!

Monday, August 22, 2011

MacBook Pro

So I did it. I spent way too much money and bought myself a laptop. I couldn't help it. I must have been the only 31 year old man in the U.S. that didn't have one, right? Never mind that I have an awesome desktop and an iPad, this is 2011 and daddy needs his tech stuff.

I did sell a TV to help pay for part of it. I am also selling my scooter and quite possibly my desktop too. So I'm parting with some of my old toys to make way for the new ones. I am also seriously thinking about taking a Mac class because even though I know a fair amount of stuff, I still find new things out all the time.

But anyway, I am pretty happy with my purchase even with the small amount of buyers remorse that comes with spending money on myself :)

In any event here is a some pic of me and my little hommie Issac!

Friday, August 19, 2011

August Update

Lucille has found her voice. She is now growling, yelling, giggling, and I think yodelling too. My super smiley baby is now full of all sorts of unusual sounds. Sounds that makes her sound more like a very spitty monster than a 7 month old baby. It is very cute though.

Her little personality is starting to show. She definitely lets you know if she is happy or not. Plus what has her thoroughly entertained one moment will drive her nuts the next. She has me constantly changing whatever I am doing to keep her entertained.

My brother and his family will be in town in a couple days. I am very excited to see him. I start vacation on Wed and we are going camping in Idaho with Jill's parents. My Aunt Suzie also rented a spot and will be camping there too. My brother Keven and his family will also becoming up. It will be great to see everyone! Plus I haven't been camping in a couple years and I've been itching to go out.

I've been debating with myself (& Jill) about whether or not I should invest in a MacBook Pro. I do have a desktop and an iPad, so it's not like I don't have any computers, but I just really want a laptop. It can do so much more than my iPad ( the iPad is more of an E-reader, mp3 player, and net book), and would be even more powerful than my 2006 iMac. But it is definitely a want not a need. I'm just not sure if I should or could pull the trigger on buying one...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A little word of advice to you shoppers... PART 1

Acting like a jerk in a retail store, or in my case a grocery store, will not help you get better or faster service. Try treating that person behind the counter with some respect and they will do much more to help you out.

Placing your items on the checkout belt before the person in front of you is done putting theirs on is not only rude, but just stupid. Settle your impatient butt down and give that person some time. It takes much more time to sort through the mess on the belt because you couldn't wait a few seconds.

They say perception is reality, but what you perceive to be a 10 minute wait at the checkout is usually under a minute. My store has an average wait time of 28 seconds between orders. Now tell me, whatever you do for work, can you help your customer out in that time?

Cashiers are required to ask how you are. If you're having a pissy day, save that info. My 19 year old cashier doesn't really need to know your life story and why everything sucks. Just be polite and lie if needed.

Don't look down at a retail employee like they must be uneducated because they "stack cans" for a living. Cashiers at my store make damn near $15 an hour (which is pretty good in Utah BTW) to check your order out. I know that in management I make more than the majority of my friends with degrees.

Sometimes items do not ring up right. It's not that cashiers fault, nor is it some conspiracy by the store to make more money. It's also fixable. Don't lose your cool. It's called human error. When you carry 50,000+ different items, one or two signs may get missed along the way. Does your work run flawlessly? Probably not.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Feeling irritated because...

I have a new boss and my work world has changes completely.

My sole living parental unit has continued to choose to not be around.

The housing market in my neighborhood stinks so bad that it is driving the value of my place down, thus making it hard to sell.

I can't go anywhere far away from home, anytime in the foreseeable future.

I feel like certain people ignore me unless convenient for them to reply.

Music will never be as awesome as it was in the 60's-70's.

I am writing a pointless blog, bitching to nobody ;)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Park City weekend

Jill and I took a weekend trip to Park City. Of course we brought along little Lucy too. It was nice to get away from work for a few days. My company just restructured managers and my boss, mentor, and friend was shipped off to a new store. We've got a new manager and I'll not listen to the hearsay about her and I'll make my own decision about her once we work together. I just hope she doesn't try to change what we have going on in our store. Needless to say this has left me very stressed.

But back to Park City. It was nice to spend some time with Jill. Our work schedule keeps us apart too much. She really is the love of my life and I cherish our time together. I couldn't ask for a better best friend. Jill also has some health concerns that have come up, nothing too major, but it still worries me so it was great to just play and not worry about that.

Little Lucy, only six months old, is not so little anymore. She grabs everything in sight, including our cups and she drinks out of them with or without the straw. Of course the cups have water only. Jill would kill me if Lu got into my soda, but I sure do tease her about it. Lucy's personality is so cute. She hams it up and smiles when you break out the camera, growls if you growl, and of course types on keyboards if you do. She's helping my type right now...

We finished up our little getaway buy going to the zoo today. We met up with Jill's parents and had a great time. Lu is sure loved by her grandparents! The zoo was fun, if not just hot. Lu came away with a few toys and had as much fun as a six month old can. After the zoo we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory and had some lunch. We, like most parents, wanted to give Lu a lemon wedge to watch her pull faces and squirm. Didn't happen. This little girl loved her lemon and went to town on it. She was too funny.

Overall it was a good weekend and we had a great time. I really cherish my family and time spent together. I can't wait for our next getaway!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Virginia was fun. I spent the first couple days by myself in D.C., which was nice. I got to go to many of the Smithsonian museums and did other site seeing. I then drove to my brothers house and waited for him to come home. Sadly he didn't get home until almost 8pm on Wed night and I had to leave by Thurs afternoon. However, I did get to take part of his reenlistment, so it was all worth while to me. Plus driving up to Baltimore through the Eastern Shore was beautiful.

Lucy is growing like crazy. She is so smart. She is starting to grab things and is really interested in things with buttons. She is always grabbing my xbox controllers or tv remotes. Since she likes these things so much, I went and bought her a little kid laptop. It lights up, makes sounds, and sings songs. She loves it and pounds on the keys while smiling.

Got word that a member of my family has been or once had spread a nasty lie about me. I got angry for about a day, but then laughed it off do to the source. Life is much too short and good to sweat the petty things. Ugly things happen to people who constantly surround themselves in ugly.

My birthday is in a couple weeks. I'm excited because my father-in-law bought me tickets to the Triple-A All-Star game and home run derby. I love baseball and it will be awesome to see these future stars in action.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'll be ok...

My brother Keven insisted I come play some golf with him. He had just bought some new clubs. So after I finished working and hanging with Lucy and Jill, I went down to Mulligan's to hit some balls. We played for a few hours and right as we were leaving he called me over to his car. He wanted to talk to me about my last blog. He was concerned. He also said a bunch of family or friends (he wouldn't give up names) were worried about me.

I'm sad. I have been for a long time. Sometimes people medicate with alcohol, sometimes people seek out therapy. I deal with my issues through writing, music, and blowing Nazi heads off in video games. As I had no desire to play Xbox, I put my hurt down in words and even associated it with a song.

I am fine, I really am. Nothing dramatic. No cries for help. I'm just sad, confused and hurt. I put it on "paper" to try to set my mind free for the night. Unfortunately it's a problem that doesn't have a solution, or at least one I want. I don't know how to get over it, but I do appreciate all the concern (even if you were anonymous). Keven is a good man and an even better brother.

Well, today I leave for Virginia. I am very excited to see Brian, even if it isn't for as long as planned. I'm excited to be away from work for as long as I am. But I am not looking forward to being away from Lucy and Jill. I even shed a few tears this morning while playing with Lucy. She's such a good baby. She is so happy and smiles all the time. I'm just kind of worried that after four days away (I know that isn't too long, but...) that she'll not recognize me and we'll have to learn how to re bond. I'm sure I am overreacting, but it is a legitimate concern.

Well, I have to finish packing my carry on items and get ready for my flight. Depending on internet connections and time, I may blog about my experience alone in DC. As for now know that I really am ok, except for the part about leaving my baby behind...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I don't like the way I am...

There is a song written by one of my favorite artists of all time, Martin Sexton. The song is called "The Way I Am". It's a beautiful song and one that has stuck with me for many years. I often find myself singing it randomly. The lyrics are a haunting reminder of how I feel about myself.

I really don't like the way I am. I have a constant desire to have everyone like me. I try to be the funny guy. I try to put on smile on everyones faces. But I need to remember that some people aren't going to like me. I can't blame them either, I'm not really all that neat. But unfortunately I do take it personal when people don't like me.

There is so much I wish I could change about me. I wish I didn't have the urge to try to fix everyones problems. I wish I didn't always dwell on the negative. I wish I would bite my tongue more often. I wish I were different. I wish I could change the way I am...

I wish I didn't care that my family has stopped talking to me. I don't think they understand how much it hurts me. They continue on with their lives like nothing has happened. They didn't skip a beat when they stopped talking to Brian. They didn't skip a beat when they stopped talking to Keven. Why would I be different? I thought I was.

I miss my father so bad. It hurts so bad I can't put it into words. I don't even know how it got to this point? But he refuses to answer my calls or texts. He's never even met his grandchild. That kills me more than the fact he ignores me and my brothers. My daughter has never done anything to not have her grandfather in her life.

This above all is why I hate the way I am. I hate that I care so much. I hate that I cry at night because I don't have a relationship with my dad. I hate that I have to put it in a blog so I don't explode. I hate that I can't just leave it alone. I hate that he won't be my dad. But most of all, I just don't like the way I am...

Change of plans

I'm suppose to leave Salt Lake for Virginia Beach, through Baltimore, on Sunday. I made plans to spend the week with my brother Brian and to take part of his re-enlistment in the Navy. Unfortunately for Brian and I, the Navy has made other plans. Due to some unforeseen maintenance on his ship, the dates my brother was scheduled to be out to sea has change to the week I'll be out there. Instead of us seeing each other Mon to Thurs, we'll be lucky if we see each other Wed night, until I leave for Baltimore on Thursday morning.

What is really crummy about the whole situation is the fact that I am going alone. Jill and Lucy are staying home while I spent time with Brian. Now I'll be 3,000 miles away from my family and he'll be out to sea. I feel like a bad husband and father leaving them behind, but the chance to take part of Brian's re-enlistment was worth it. Hopefully we'll be able to do his re-enlistment Wed night, but it still feels crappy leaving behind Jill and Lucy for an evening with Brian.

I'm in no way shape or form upset with Brian either. This is out of his hands. I'm not upset with the Navy either, I understand the circumstances. It's just going to be hard being away from my baby girl so long and not having my brother around either. I'll just have to make the best out of the situation. DC is just a short drive from Baltimore and so many cities like Pittsburgh, Manhattan, Philadelphia, and Atlantic City are all about 1 to 4 hours away. Maybe I'll drive around and see some baseball? Either way, this is not the vacation I had in mind...

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I've never been a golfing kind of guy. I remember going to the driving range a few times with my Dad when I was younger, but I never got into it. I was obsessed with basketball and focused all my time on that game. If you don't count mini-golf, before this year I probably haven't hit a golf ball in 20 years. But this year I was forced to go play in a charity tournament for my work. I went with my boss and I ended up having a great time. Never mind that my first three balls went into a water hazard and by the 2nd hole I had somehow stepped into a swampy area and destroyed my shoes and socks... No matter the shoe damage I ended up enjoying golfing.

However, golf on TV is booorrriiinnnnggg..... If I want a good nap during the springtime or summer, I just flip on some golf. It puts me right to sleep. The things they do are very impressive, but so the ability to turn soy beans into tofurkey. It's impressive, but not interesting.

But since I had a great time at the tourney, I decided to go out to the driving range to practice a little. My buddy Geoff has some clubs so we went to play. Never mind his clubs are the Target junior special, we used them and did pretty great. It was so much fun. Just like on the golf course with my work, people could tell that I used to play baseball due to my ugly hack of a swing. Not pretty. No matter though, we went to have fun.

Since we've gone multiple times now this season I decided to buy my own clubs. I bought a cheap-o set of clubs (Ram Lasers) so I can stop worrying about destroying Geoff's. I'm not used to these clubs however and my already present slice is much, much worse. We played on the top deck of the driving range and I almost hit some people below us on more than one occasion. It was a fun night though as my buddy Brian Armstrong, my brother Keven, and his family (Tiff, Tayvia, and Eslee) joined me out on the range.

I'm definitely not good at this game, but that's not going to stop me from going out and playing this summer. I need a new hobby that doesn't require my Xbox. Plus I hope to get a little better so I can go out and play with my father-in-law and brother-in-law. They are both golfers and I need to up my game quite a bit before I embarrass myself in front of those guys. But if I continue to stink it up I may resort to said Xbox and a copy of Tiger Woods golf. It's gotta be easier to fix the slice on there, right?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Top 5 Reason why I want Jimmer Fredette to be an NBA Star

There is nobody more polarizing in basketball right now then Jimmer Fredette. You have people all over the world debating his worth in the NBA. In college Jimmer was the National Player of the Year. Many feel he'll be exposed at the next level. You have people like Kevin Durant and Barack Obama singing his praise, but you have many others comparing him to other great white hypes that fizzled (Morrison and Redick). The debate is huge in Utah based first on the Utah/BYU rivalry and secondly because the Jazz have two top picks and may use one on Jimmer. In any event here are my top 5 reasons why I want to see Jimmer kick some butt in the NBA.

5 - If you know anything about Mormon folklore you know that Mormon church ball is a rugged game. It basically allows well rounded young men the chance to act barbaric and become unleashed in God's house. They even made a movie about it starring my good friend Stan Ellsworth and Gary Coleman. But you know what's harder than church ball? Refining your skills playing basketball against prisoners in New York. That's just one place Jimmer learned to ball. Jimmer and his brother used to play pick up games at Mount McGregor Correctional in Saratoga, NY. He attributes this to helping him play through "rough situations".

4 - The last Mormon who did anything worth noting in the NBA was Shawn Bradley. Shawn stands 7'6'' and weighs as much as a toy poodle. If you bought an NBA poster from say 1993-2005, that big white guy getting dunked on was most likely Shawn. I'd like to see a white Mormon due something in the NBA other then getting smashed on.

3 - I am a Utah homer. I love the Jazz, the Salt Lake Bees, the Utes, and then to a smaller extent the Grizzles hockey team, and the BYU Cougars. I never cheer for BYU to beat Utah, but when they are playing anyone else, I want them to do well. It looks good for our small, over looked state. But when I was a child, my Poppa - who by the way is my hero - was a BYU guy. He took me to all the football games starring Ty Detmer at QB. So deep down, somewhere I still have a small amount of affection for the Cougars.

2 - Because Jimmer has a terrible rap song written about him. There is a song out there that is performed by some white rappers and the hook repeats "teach me how to Jimmer" over and over. It's obnoxious and just plain bad. When I was 16 I used to make terrible raps songs with my buddy (who really is a rapper and a damn good one) and I used to make silly basketball puns too. Their song and mine are pretty similar in flow. However I was 16 and didn't aspire to be a rapper and these fellas are, well not 16. The video is priceless however. Enjoy

1 - And my top reason for wanting Jimmer to excel at the next level? Because he gives all slow white guys with excellent range and zero defensive ability a chance to shine. We love him as one of our own. Obviously I am nowhere as good as Jimmer, but our game is similar. When I go to the rec center I have three options on offense. 1 - I can pass and set up my teammate. 2 - I can cross you over with an ugly cross over that shouldn't work. Or 3 - The most likely option. I'll just shoot a 30 foot 3-pointer and drop it! Then on defense you'll make me look terrible. Jimmer gets exposed because, well, defense just isn't his game. My excuse is because I'm old and fat. Either way, I gotta root for the kid!

I hope to see Jimmer Fredette make noise in the NBA. He's worked hard and he deserves it. But most of all, I want him to make it just so I can hear people continue to argue over his ability and I hope for a new rap video from Provo, Utah!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Pirates life for me Part 2

So we did go see the latest Pirates movie, and like I knew I would, I loved it. I thought it was the 2nd best flick of the four, following behind the first of course.

I absolutely love the music in the films, so here is one of my favorite tunes from the movies.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I've just started Gamefly and it's pretty cool. Much cheaper than buying new games and not getting much out of them. Now I can try out different games that I'd never play otherwise. If you play video games at all, I'd recommend that you check them out. Also, if you click this link below you can get a month free!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Pirates life for me.

I am a Pirates of the Caribbean junky. I absolutely love this franchise. The rides, the movies, the music, and even the games. I know that outside of the first movie, "The Curse of the Black Pearl", that most movie goers have soured on the films. I, however, didn't. I still got wrapped up in the story and lost in the world of Captain Jack Sparrow.

But my love for the Caribbean didn't start in a megaplex, it started like it did for most children. It started at Disneyland. Those of you who know me, know that I am a Disney person. I love EVERYTHING about the brand. I vacation at Disneyland and Disney World often and one day hope to see one of the Disney Parks outside of the country. I'd spend every vacation in either California or Florida if Jill let me.

Of all the attractions at Disneyland, the one that sticks out the most to me is Pirates of the Caribbean. When my mother took me to the park my very first time (it had to be around 1990) I remember riding it with her. As we waited in the queue she leaned over and whispered to me that this was her favorite ride. I was so eager and a bit nervous to board the boat.

I'll never forget sitting next to my mom and looking in awe at the Blue Bayou lights, the skull and crossbones telling me to keep my arms inside, and the first exhilarating drop into the cold tunnel into the world of Pirates. She pointed out things to me like the skeleton drinking booze, the piano playing itself, and even some "Hidden Mickey's". It is one of my favorite memories of my mother.

That alone is why I am in love with Pirates. To this day I think of my mom every time we ride this ride. Sometimes I am even moved to tears as we ride. Overwhelmed with the thoughts of my mother and how happy we were that day. To me it will always be her and my "little thing", our moment. The same goes for the movies. My mother passed before they ever came out, but I know she'd love them too. It still feels like it's her and my thing.

I've bought books about the movie. I've purchased books about the construction of the attractions at the parks. I've bought CD's with all of the music from the rides, and all of the soundtracks to the films. My very first Disney souvenir was a black Pirates captain hat with my name embroidered on it. I've bought t-shirts, pins, and other trinkets. I can't help it, I'm slightly obsessed.

I'm hoping the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie is excellent. I can't wait to see it. But even if it is so-so, I'll still be loving it. I'll be smiling from ear to ear, laughing at the jokes, and I'll whisper as if my mother was sitting next to me and I'll say, "these are my favorite movies".

Cotton hoarding

When I was a kid I used to tease my father because he had the same sneakers for what seemed like forever. I used to tell him that it would be ok if he bought new stuff for himself once in awhile. I thought he was cheap and that he didn't spend money on sneakers or jeans because he wanted to save money. Then I grew up and started acting the same.

It's not a money thing. He makes good money and I make ok money. Maybe it's a comfort thing? Whatever the reason may be, I too hold on to clothing for much longer then I should. Right now I am wearing gym shorts I have had (and wear weekly) since I was in high school. I had a brown belt that I wore for 8 or 9 years that my brother Brian made me throw out. Last night Jill made me throw out all my undershirts, socks, and underwear because the whites are now gray and they freak her out. Some of those shirts I've had before we got married. So we went to Target and dropped some cash on some new whites.

I buy new t-shirts often. Problem is I don't really throw out any that I've outgrown, that have shrunk, or are just plain beat up. I almost have a clothing hoarding issue. I still wear the same silvertab jeans I bought when I was in high school, only difference is that the size 38 used to be really baggy (hey that was the style in 95-98) and now they fit snug. I have work shirts that I haven't used in years. And yes, I have sneakers that I can't remember when I wore last.

But like all my undergarments, I am getting rid of my clothes. We packed up 4 heaping bags full of gear and I am going to go drop it off at a charity (minus my undies). It feels nice to get rid of that stuff, but at the same time it's kind of sad. Quite a bit of that stuff I still wore. My Utah Jazz shorts were a staple of my lounging out ever since I lived with Mary, David, and Guy. That was 1998!

I'm afraid that if I didn't get rid of my old threads, Jill was going to call "What Not to Wear" on me. I can't help it, if it's comfortable, I'll wear it. I hate the feel of new clothes, especially jeans. My new clothes are ok for now, but knowing me, I'll probably be really attached to them by 2020., you know just in time for Jill to make me throw them out again :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rant about my daily drive

I'm sure that Utah doesn't have the worst drivers out there (hello Denver), but I have to say that Salt Lake is full of some pretty dumb ones. Nobody here understands speed limits. Here is what I go through everyday.

On 700 e, from 3900 s to Van Winkle, the speed limit is 40, but everyone goes 20.

From Van Winkle to Ft Union the speed limit is 45, everybody goes between 35 & 40.

From Ft Union to 9000 s the speed limit is 40, everyone goes 30.

THEN when I get onto 1300 e from 9000 s there is MAJOR road construction with many men working on the street. The speed limit from 9000 s to 10600 s is 35 and everyone goes 50!!!!

WTF??? Love Utah...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Remember when....

Your handwriting was great because you actually used pens and paper, not computers to write

Going outside to play was the best, having to sit at home was lame

Learning a secret on your video game came from word of mouth on the playground, not the Internet

The NFL was fun because players were allowed to show some emotion

Hulk Hogan was a true American hero

16 bit graphics were unbelievable!

The mall was the place for social interaction

Arcades existed

You'd have to find a payphone to check in with your parents, you couldn't send texts

NBA players had short shorts, no tats, and played with passion

MC Hammer wasn't a punchline

These are just a few things I remember about my childhood that I kind of miss today...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Daycare, babysitting, and long weekends....

I wish I were wealthy. Who doesn't? It's not like we're broke. Sure we have our bills and debts, but Jill and I make ok money. I just wish I made more. I wish I made enough money that Jill didn't have to work and could stay home with Lucy. It is so hard for Jill to go to work everyday and drop Lu off at her sitters. I wish I could give Jill the lifestyle she deserves, but it's just not possible. Most homes I know have to have two incomes to survive comfortably. And we are comfortable.

But as much as it hurts Jill to take Lucy to her sitter, it makes me sad to be apart from her too. Sure, the first couple of times I was home alone with Lu all day was a bit scary and overwhelming, but I'd rather be with her then not. I miss my baby so much when I am at work that it makes my ulcers burn. I just worry about my daughter. My caveman instincts to protect are in full affect and I stress myself out. I am fairly comfortable when Jill is off work and home with my baby girl, but nonetheless I am full of some sadness and fear.

Right now my awesomely great in-laws watch Lucy on Saturdays when Jill and I both work. They split the Saturdays between my house and theirs. The Saturdays when she stays with them are the hardest. Because they live an hour away from us, Jill has been going up Friday to drop off Lu. Since I work pretty much every weekend, Jill ends up staying the night up there. Then Saturday morning she drives back down to work in Draper. After work she drives right back up to the Roy area to her parents home. She spends the night again, because I work EVERY Sunday and she gets Sundays off. So I don't get to see my wife or baby from the time they leave Friday until Sunday night when I come home.

The situation works and it make complete sense. I usually work until 8 or 9pm so by the time I get home I don't have much time to see my girl anyways. Plus it gives Jill a chance to see her family, who she adores! It also gives Lucille a chance to bond with her grandparents. I know how important that is. Growing up, my grandparents were my world. I love them all so much and they hold a place in my heart as dear to me as my parents. I want Lucy to have that connection with them like I do with mine. But with that said, it still breaks my heart to be apart from her for so long. I actually left work early yesterday and had half a mind to baby snatch my own child :) I know it will get easier, and I know we are making the right choices for her care. But that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. Perhaps one day I'll win the big one in Vegas or someone will run me over and I'll win millions in court. But until then I'll continue to work hard to provide my family the best life I can, and miss them in the process...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The choice

I'm sure most people look back at certain events in their life and wonder if they had handled situations differently that they might have altered the outcome of their life. I can't help but sit back and wonder if my actions have caused my family more hurt than good. I wonder if I had made different choices that perhaps life would have been better? I can trace back everything I wish I could change back to one starting point. The night I left Bear Lake.

My Mother fought many demons in her life. She had medical issues that caused her constant pain. This lead to an addiction to pills. She medicated to take away her pain. She also started to drink heavily too. Mixing drugs and alcohol in a person that was already struggling with depression is a recipe for destruction. My Mother was destroying her life, along with lives of her four children that were watching it happen. She'd stay up late with her "friends" and do what she knew would dull her pain. I'm not mad at her now, but I was then. I was 15 and I resented her for giving into these evil indulgences. I'd have to wake the kids to get them off to school because she was unable to get out of bed. Often I'd ditch school, partly because I was the new kid in town and had no friends, and also because she didn't even notice. I wanted to be caught, but it didn't happen.

After a month or so of watching my Mother give up on herself, I too gave up on her. I decided I couldn't live like this anymore. I called my Aunt Charlotte and begged her to take me back to Salt Lake City to my Fathers. My Aunt Charlotte is my Mothers sister, and as much as she loves her, she knew that us kids were in a bad situation and that my Mom needed some help. She agreed to take me to my Fathers. I ran away. Charlotte took me to Salt Lake, and I never lived with my Mom again.

I felt so bad leaving my younger siblings behind. I am the oldest and I was taking care of them. Who would now? It was such a hard choice. When I arrived to my Fathers, my Aunt explained the situation to him. He took me in. I could write a very long blog on the details of how I stayed there and all the fights with courts, police, and obviously my parents, but I won't. What I will say is that my Dad spent every penny he had ever made to WIN custody of all his kids from my Mother. He won largely due to the testimony of myself and my Aunt. He almost didn't win, however. The Judge was very old school and he didn't care how bad the conditions were at home, he thought children should be raised by a Mom. I very much remember telling him off when he told me that and I was "excused" from his office.

So if the situation was so bad at my Mothers, why would I trace back all the bad in my life to that moment and want to change my choice? Everything that has caused me the most pain in my life has some connection with leaving my Mom to live with my Dad. First and foremost is that my Mother died less then five years later. She passed away at 38 years old. She died living in that same house in Idaho, by herself. My Aunt lived a few towns away from her and was with her all the time. My Mom had some friends along with some boyfriends too, but she was still alone. Her kids were her life and we left her. She even came to terms with us leaving and she understood that she wasn't taking care of us how she needed to. But she still felt alone. She'd call me often crying that she missed me. She wrote me letters often and she'd draw cartoons for me. She'd drive to Salt Lake every other week and stay in a crummy motel, just to visit. Every time she had to leave she'd cry. My Mother died of organ failure after falling into a coma. She went to the hospital because she had a headache. I'm still convinced that my Mom died of a broken heart from being without her kids.

The next tragedy that was caused or related to me leaving my Mothers had to due with meeting a new friend. When I moved in with my Dad, he bought a place in Lehi. Again I was the new kid in school so I was sent to the library with another new kid during some test we weren't ready for. His name was Grant. We started talking about basketball and our friendship begun. We even joined Jr. Jazz together. Grant very quickly became my best friend and a trusted ear during my transition between parents. Grant had some serious parent issues too and we just bonded. He started staying at my Dads house often. When we moved back to West Valley after the school year, Grant spent every weekend and most of the summer with me. When I graduated High School, we moved in together. We were always together. Always together until 2003. Grant, like my mother, struggled with depression. He had started drinking a bit too. I took him to Disneyland in the Spring of '03. He had never been on a plane before. We had a great time, so many laughs and memories. The very next day we were home, he took his own life. He got up early, cleaned his room, and took off to a shooting range. I still haven't recovered from this...

One more aspect of my life that I ruined by leaving my Mother is my Fathers life. He took on his 4 kids unexpectedly. He spent all his money to get us. He soon married Wendy and adopted her kids too. Wendy and my Dad love each other very much, but for some reason Wendy and us kids have had a hard time being on the same page. I used to fight with her when I lived with them. However, I only lived with them for less than two years before I moved out. I thought we had a great relationship after that, but I guess I was wrong. She's had problems with both of my brothers and sister over the years and I always tried to get both sides together. It finally seemed like it was happening and we all spent a Christmas together, I think it was '09, for the first time in years. Then Keven said something about Wendy to her son and she decided she was done trying to work things out with Keven. I tried to get in the middle again and I made things worse. Then for my Birthday, Jill invited Keven to my party that was at Wendy's home. Jill asked Wendy if it was ok, and she thought Wendy said yes. When she heard Keven was coming she packed up her kids and left. So here I am at my party, without my Step-Mom and Step-siblings. Afterwards, Wendy sent a fairly nasty email to Jill about Keven being invited into her home. Jill didn't mean to cause an issue and the way Wendy was talking to my wife made me see red. I wrote Wendy back a nasty email of my own. Since then we haven't been on good terms. When I didn't go over on Mothers day the next year she decided she was done with me, just like Keven. She wrote me a very nasty email making all sorts of accusations about my character. I haven't seen her, or her kids since. They to stopped talking to me too. Because of all this, I haven't really seen or talked to my Dad much. He hasn't even met my daughter, who is now 3 months. His relationship with his wife because of us kids has been shaky, and has come close to ending too.

So the way I see it, true or not, I feel like leaving my Mom has caused her death, the death of Grant, a ruined relationship with my Dad, and a spoiled marriage between him and his wife. I carry this weight on my shoulders everyday and wonder if I should have stayed back in Idaho. Perhaps I could have helped my Mother more? Maybe Grant would have meet other friends and skipped this choice he made? Maybe my Dad and I would still be friends? Maybe Wendy wouldn't hate us kids and her and my Father would be living a very happy life together? Who knows how different life would be? But these were my choices and I have to continue living with the results.

Monday, March 28, 2011

So tired...

So tired of being sick.

So tired of owning a million video games and not liking any of them.

So tired of 50 hr work weeks.

So tired of not spending all my time with Jill and Lucille.

So tired of drama.

So tired of sports.

So tired of being tired.

So tired of hurting. Rest in Peace Grandma Pearson.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spelling and Grammar

I know that I am not the best speller. I know that my grammar leaves much to be desired. I write like we are having a conversation, not like you are reading an article. However should my spelling ever be missed by spellcheck, or I use the incorrect version of "then" or "than", or I use too many commas, or I use "quotes" incorrectly, you can just keep that to yourself. This isn't homework, nor do I care for perfection. This is just an outlet for my thoughts.

Rant over...

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I had a great time in Virginia. Seeing Brian is always great, plus meeting Isaac and Krystal was sweet. Krystal is a good fit for Brian and her family is really nice! Really need to go back soon and visit them all. Plus, we need more then one day to spend in D.C. That place is awesome!

Haven't really done much since I've been home. Just tons of working and dealing with a sick Lucille. Poor little lady caught her very first cold. She's doing ok. She's still smiling and talking to me, but her little cough and red eyes breaks my heart. I hope it goes away fast.

We also bought Lucille a rocking swing. It has a mirror on the mobile and she just loves it. Best baby investment yet. It's safe to say she maybe a tad spoiled.

In sad news Jill and I are looking at giving our cats away. We love our kitties. Jill especially loves her Ruben! But they just get all over Lucy's stuff and get hair, litter, and all sorts of gross cat stuff everywhere. We think Lucy has allergies too, which isn't helping with her cold, so to make our baby more comfortable we are prepared to give our cats to a new loving home. But we're going to be picky on who we choose, if we do at all.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The wasted talent of Jeff Hardy

I just returned from vacation, so I have plenty to type about my trip. However, since this is a blog about my ranting, I feel the need to write about this topic. For those who don't care about wrestling or anything I write that isn't baby related, I suggest you skip this one...

I'm jumping into this story under the impression you know who Jeff Hardy is. If you don't, you can click HERE for his bio. In any event he is a pro wrestler who is best known for his time in the WWE, but now wrestles for TNA.

Jeff Hardy is sick. He's been battling a drug addiction for years. It got him fired from the WWE in 2003 due to his refusal to enter a rehab program. After working for a couple years in the Indy scene and in TNA, Jeff made his return to WWE tv in 2006. Hardy appeared to have cleaned up his act and was quickly given the role of a top talent.

Hardy returned and very quickly won the WWE's Intercontinental title from Umaga. He then suddenly dropped the title to Chris Jericho. Turns out Hardy already failed a drug test and was suspended for 60 days and had his spot at WrestleMania pulled. After returning from suspension the crowd was behind Jeff Hardy. He would get some of the loudest ovations every night. The WWE saw $$$. Jeff had always been a midcard guy, but was never a main event player in his first run with the company. Then the WWE decided to give him the "push" and made him a WWE Champion 3 times.

Jeff is a rare performer in today's wrestling shows as he is loved by children, women, and male fans. He has never been a good talker, but his in ring skill, look, and death defying moves made him a top face. As Champion he faced the WWE's top guys. But trouble seemed to follow Hardy as did nagging injuries. He was even placed in a story line with CM Punk, who despite all the fakeness of pro wrestling, is a real life Straight Edge member.

The story lines blurred the line between reality and fiction of Hardy's life. Punk mocked Hardy for his choices in life. He brought up the suspensions, his release in 2003, the drug use and called him a bad role model. He said all the parents that allowed their children to wear Hardy t-shirts were poor parents. The battled resulted in a loser gets fired match. Punk won and the WWE let Hardy go, again.

Right after his release Hardy was soon arrested for drug trafficking. This however, did not stop TNA from picking up Jeff Hardy as a performer. They've made him a Champion and have turned him heel since the fans had been souring on him and his routine. Hardy has been dealing with these drug charges and is still going to court over them. He has been putting up videos on his website drugged out of his mind, along with his brother Matt, that has the people around him concerned about his well being. But like the poorly run company TNA is, they've done nothing to intervene. That is, until Victory Road 2011 happened.

Hardy was booked to wrestle Sting in the shows main event. Problem was Hardy was drugged out of his mind. When they finally found him in the bathroom, blacked out on the floor, they rushed him out to perform. He staggered on his way to the ring and you could tell something was wrong. TNA sent out Eric Bischoff to check Hardy's condition in the ring. Bischoff paraded around the ring to give Hardy more time to come around, but he was too far gone. Hardy teased throwing his shirt in the crowd for a long time, trying to give himself time to come around.

Wrestling is fake, we all know that. It's more like a dance, were it needs two performers to pull it off. There was no way a match was going to happen. So after a long introduction they started the match. After one kick, and two punches Sting did his finishing move and then he put all of his weight on Hardy's shoulder to pin him in seconds. You can see a visibly confused Hardy upset that they ended the match like that. It made his character look weak. But you can't blame Sting. Hardy, in his condition, could have hurt Sting being as impaired as he was. If you watch the video of the match you can see a pissed off Sting saying "I agree" as the fans chanted "BULLSHIT". Watch the video and tell me what you think.

Hardy has since been suspended from TNA. He maybe going to prison for his drug charges. It's a sad sight to see a man who is giving away everything because of drugs. Here is hoping that one day Jeff can kick this habit before he dies young like so many other wrestlers have.

Here is an article by former WCW announcer Mark Madden. It sums up how I feel about this situation.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Almost off to DC

Today we are making the drive from Virginia Beach to Washington DC. It's about a 3 1/2 - 4 hour car ride. I've never been to DC, nor has anyone else in our party, so we're all excited. I think I may just be excited a little more. I woke up today at 5:30am, which thanks to daylight savings starting today and being on eastern time, is more like 2:30am to me. But nevertheless, I feel great. Everyone else, not so much. Let's hope for any easy car ride that the rest can sleep on. As for me, I'm as excited as a fat kid in a cookie shop! MMmmmm.....cookies......

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Planes, No Trains, and an Automobile

Here I sit in Virginia Beach at my brother's home. Jill is feeding Lucy on the couch, and Brian is teaching Isaac how to play baseball. It's been a fun day hanging out with my brother. But today's blog is about how I got to this moment, so let me start the story at 2pm mountain time yesterday, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Brian Armstrong and Rachel Creed were very nice and took Jill an I to the airport. Well, actually I drove, but they came with to take my car back home. They are also watching my pets while I am out. I owe them. They get stuck with my smelly pets often. Anyhow, they dropped us off at the airport and our travel day had just started.

I wasn't nervous about the idea of traveling with a two month old. That is, until I walked into the airport. Then it all hit me. Will she behave? Will people get pissy if she is crying? Will she get sick? Will her ears hurt? My head was spinning. But checking in was fairly easy and we got to go through a family line through security and bypassed about 200 people. Waiting for the plane was easy too. Lucy just hung out while Jill and I ate some lunch.

We flew Southwest and if you've flown with them before, you know that its open seating. The thought of getting on the plane and not having a seat next to Jill and my baby got me worried too. But luckily they have family boarding halfway through the boarding process, so we got on easily.

Jill had Lucy drinking from her bottle or using her binky during takeoff and landings to make sure Lucy's ears would pop. In doing so Lu didn't make a sound on either take off or landing (we had a quick layover in Chicago). She did however look very frightened at takeoff, her eyes were opened as wide as possible. But on both flights Lucy didn't act up, at all. Not once. She was so calm. Many passengers and flight attendants mentioned how cute and well behaved she is. I was a proud poppa!

When we arrived to the common area of the airport Uncle Brian was waiting. He saw us walking towards him and he was beaming. He looked at Lucy and said "you know what's wrong with this picture? I'm not holding her". He grabbed Lucy and his smile was a mile wide.

By this time it was midnight, eastern time. Jill and I were tired, especially Jill since she held the baby 90% of the day. We had Brian stop at Wendy's, since Jill and I hadn't eaten since that sandwich at 2pm back in Salt Lake. We ate our grub and visited with Brian until about 2am. When we tried to put Lucy to bed she had her first breakdown. She freaked out and screamed the loudest I have heard her. For about 3 minutes. Then she was out cold. Poor baby was worn out.

And here we are today. Just hanging out. We've played some fast pitch baseball and did some shopping on the Naval base. Today has been calm and relaxing. Little Lucy has been so happy. Life couldn't get any better! I am so glad to be out here in Virginia with Lucy and Jillian. I've finally met Crystal, Brian's fiance, and her son, Isaac. This is pretty sweet indeed. We have whole lot of plans of doing nothing, that is until we go to D.C. Sunday morning! But for now, I'm just enjoying my family.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Should I grow it back?

Check out these photos from a blog I wrote in 2009. Should I grow the mullet again (it's not a true mullet), or keep it short?

Happiness is...

...waking up in the morning to your little girl smiling at you.

Friday, March 4, 2011

3/4/11 Daily Update

I made it the entire month of February without any fast food. My goal was for one month only and I did it. To celebrate doing somethings so healthy for myself, I naturally decided to do something unhealthy. I ate fast food. Jill and I went out to dinner at Five Guys. If you've never had Five Guys, I suggest you try it. Probably the best burger out there. The plan was for a one night celebration and then back to a healthier diet. I'm not going to keep a timetable on when I'll eat fast food again, it just won't be too frequent. Gotta keep things in moderation.

My dear baby Lucille is now two months old. She is such a good baby, even though I tease her and Jill that she's a little booger. I only tease that because when you try to feed her she covers her face with her hands and blocks the bottle. She then cries because she's starving, but fights you and the bottle. It's actually quite funny.

Bad part about being two months old is the immunizations. As a 30 year old man, I fear needles. I can't imagine what an innocent little baby must think as she is staring lovingly into her mothers eyes, only to have a huge needle stabbed (3 times) into her cute, chunky thighs. Jill said other then the tears (both of them) that it went well. Baby is at a healthy weight and length. Only thing she needs to work on is her neck muscles on one side. She always turns her head one direction, so on side is stronger than the other. Other then that, our baby is perfect!

I went to the Utah Jazz VS Denver Nuggets game last night. My friend Andrew took me on a man date. Actually, Andrews brother, Brandon, took us. He has access to a suite and we watched the game from there. It was actually a very close game, and the Jazz lost on some shenanigans on the last play of the night. Worst part was of it was that Brandon and Andrew are Denver fans and I had to watch them enjoy the win!

Only a few more days until we head off for Virginia for our little vacation. Uncle Brian is very excited to meet his niece. I'm very excited to get away from Smith's and to have sometime away. Maybe I'll bump into Obama and I can tell him to keep his head up. What he's doing now, or not doing now, is still better then what George W. was up to...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Family Matters

My baby is almost 2 months old. Pretty crazy how much time flies. In a week I'll be going to Virginia so baby Lu can meet her Uncle Brian in person. Family is such an important part of growing up, I want her to feel as much love as possible from all her relatives.

Growing up my Mom and her parents were my world. They made my childhood one that was full of love, happiness, and great memories. It hurts so bad that she'll never know any of them as they all have passed on. I want her to grow up and feel the love that I did and I know she will with Jill's family, but I worry about her relationship with mine.

Now she does get lots of love from my brothers and sister, along with her great aunts and uncles. My Grandpa John and Grandma Kathy made the trip out to the hospital to see her right after she was born. But she has never met my father, his wife, or her kids. My dad did come visit Jill and I right after Lucy was born at the hospital, but he was sick and couldn't meet Lucy. Since then he has had some surgeries and whatnot, but he still hasn't met her. His wife and her kids have made no attempt. They have decided to not have anything to do with me or my family because they THINK I hate her.

I lived with my dad and his wife for 2 years. That is all. I moved out before I was 18. We bumped heads quite a bit when I lived with them, but we actually had a pretty great relationship after I moved out, or so I thought. She's made it pretty clear that she's always had a problem with me and she thinks I'm a bad person. I could go in to some detail on our conflicts and why this is so absurd, but I won't. I don't want to throw her or my family under the bus, I still have hope to fix things.

I just can't understand why they would choose not to have anything to do with Lucy. She is such a wonderful little person, and I really want her to have them in her life. She will need her grandparents and I don't want her to grow up without them. I just hope time will heal all wounds, real or made up. I hope that one day they will understand that I love all of them, and I truly believe that family is the most important part of life.

To all of those out there that do show us love, I am so thankful for you. My Aunt Charlotte has been great to us and has taken on a grandparent role since my mother is gone. My Aunt Ruth has been so loving and I'm glad we've reconnected through facebook, of all things. I have nothing but great things to say about my Uncle Jeff, Aunt Jennifer, and my dear Aunt Suzie. They have shown me so much love over the past few years that I didn't know Mabey's were capable off. I love all of you dearly. Brian, Keven, and Sarah... I couldn't ask for better siblings. Thank you for everything!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blogger Stats Part 2

I wasn't going to write anything tonight, but after checking my blogger stats I just couldn't help it. For some reason my page had a huge spike in traffic in the past couple days. Turns out for the week of Feb 21 -28, I have had 67 page views from South Korea. Wonder what I am writing that has people over there reading my blog? Perhaps it has to do with the NBA or Xbox? Maybe they just think fat Americans are interesting? In any event I appreciate the views!

Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25/11 Daily Update

This is me as I write this. Listening to the Beatles, in a Beatles T-shirt.

Almost one month down on my "no fast food" kick. We did order a pizza tonight, so you can say I cheated all you want, but I don't count it as such. I have lost 9 lbs this month with some exercise, but it's mostly been by my food choices. At work I'm not eating more than 400 calories so no matter what we cook for dinner my caloric intake is below 2,000.

I haven't been to the gym in almost a week. I was playing basketball with a group of guys and messed up my fingers in a fluke accident. Someone fouled me and hit my arm as I was catching a pass. It ran my fingers directly into the basketball. It felt like I broke them. Instead of yelling or hitting the dumb kid who ran into me, I punted the ball into the rafters. The next day my fingers were swollen at least twice their normal size. My right pointer finger was completely purple. I still cant bend it completely and it throbs.

The Jazz got their first win under Tyrone Corbin tonight. It was also the debut of Devin Harris and Derrick Favors. Both guys came off the bench and helped the Jazz win a hard played game in Indiana. Ex-Butler player Gordan Hayward made his return to Indiana tonight too. He was also born and raised in the area. He threw down a monster dunk on an Indiana player and the crowd went nuts for him. Very cool moment. In related news, the New Jersey Nets lost in Deron Williams first game with the team. He also hurt his wrist early on. You know what they say about Karma????

I've been playing the video game Prototype for the Xbox. It's been pretty fun. The game is a "sandbox" style game (think Grand Theft Auto) and you have the whole island of Manhattan to run around. You play as Alex Mercer, a young man who is trying to figure out why a plague known as "Blacklight" has been unleashed on New York. Alex has been infected with Blacklight and has superhuman abilities like super strength, shape-shifting, and the ability to run up buildings. Anyone who likes open word games or likes the idea of being able to run all over New York, then run up the Chrysler building just to dive off onto a helicopter, will have a blast with this game.

Being a father is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Lucille is getting smarter each day and her personality continues to develop. She keeps smiling and sticking her tongue out at Jill and I. It's so adorable. Being a husband to Jill is amazing too. She is such a wonderful person, I am truly honored that she chose to live life with me. Life is pretty freaking swell indeed.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bye Bye D-Will

If you read my blog about the sudden retirement of Jerry Sloan you'd know that like many of the media outlets, I placed most, if not all of the blame on the shoulders of Deron Williams. I was very angry with what had been reported by the media. Plus, I have made my own observations of Williams and his leadership. The way he handles himself with coaching and teammates has rubbed me the wrong way. I stated that I couldn't cheer for the Jazz as long as he was on the team. I felt very comfortable with the idea of him leaving in free agency. He's made snide comments about being here and when you add that with the way modern players ditch their teams for greener pastures (Lebron, Melo, etc...) I just felt in my heart that his time in Utah would end soon. I just didn't realize how soon.

Deron Williams played in 3 more regular season games and one more NBA All-Star game as a member of the Jazz. In a very bold move, the Jazz sent Williams to the New Jersey Nets. The Jazz received a package of Devin Harris, Derrick Favors, a 2011 draft pick, a 2012 draft pick, and $3 million. Shipping away a franchise player is always a scary idea, but the package the Jazz received is more than fair. Harris is a former NBA All-Star and is only a year older then Williams. Favors is the youngest player in the NBA at 19. He was the 3rd overall pick in the 2010 draft and has HUGE potential. The Nets stink and the 2011 draft pick will be a top ten pick, if not top five. The move also saves the Jazz money, which is very helpful when you're a small market team.

As much as I was mad at Deron and I made threats of not cheering for him again, it still kind of hurts. I liken it to a bad break up. You've all been in love with someone who broke your heart. Deron broke my heart, in sporting terms of course. I loved his play, cheered for him like crazy, and then he pissed me off and my love turned to hate. Now, he's gone. No chance of making up. From here on out he will always be an enemy. My favorite player has become my most hated. Seeing him holding up his Nets jersey felt like a punch to the gut. But something deep inside of me still wants to love him.

In the end all Deron wanted was to win basketball games. He'll have a hard time doing so surrounded by those scrubs in Dirty Jersey. But that's ok for him. He's a free agent after next season and he'll leave. Just like he was going to do in Utah. He'll end up in New York or Los Angeles. Wherever he chooses. Then we'll see what he brings to the table. In the meantime, the Jazz will be ok. They brought in some decent players and hopefully the two draft picks will yield the next Deron Williams, Lebron James, or Chris Bosh. And if it does, Utah will only be renting them for a few years before they too leave the City of Salt, for some big city lights. Makes you miss and respect Stockton and Malone, even more.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Big Mac Attack

It's now been 22 days since I have eaten fast food. I'm on the fast track to hitting my one month goal. I'm sure I'll go longer then a month without fast food, but not by much. I leave for Virginia on the 9th and I'll have to eat at the airport at some point.

But as I was coming into work today, I saw a coworker eating a Big Mac and my stomach growled. It smelled so good in it's processed glory and yes, at that moment of time I craved one. But I'm pushing on, Big Mac free, for now.

I've been counted calories a little more and I gotta say it's pretty lame that my Risotto lunch only had 220 calories in it and the RC Cola I "treated" myself to later that night had 160! Lame indeed!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Only 10 more days in the month of February. I haven't had any fast food at all during this time, and it's been just fine by me. I lost 7 pounds right off the bat, but my weight has plateaued. It's time to ramp up the exercise and diet better.

Being a father is amazing. Lucy is growing so fast and is getting smarter by the day. We have a little game we play where I get right in her face and talk or make a random sound. Right after I do, she makes the sound right back. Sometimes when I say "hello" the sound she makes sounds just like the word. It's so freaking cute. I did this over skype with my brother Brian watching and it brought him to tears. Tender stuff indeed.

Speaking of Brian, my family and I will soon be going out there to see him. We leave in March. We'll be spending some time at his place in Virginia Beach, and then a couple days in D.C. I've never been to D.C. before, and I am excited to be the tourist I am. I am also looking forward to how well Jill and I do with a baby in the airport, on a plane, and 3,000 miles away from home. Wish us luck, or send us any tips you'd like to share!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Post

I wrote the following on my facebook today due to all the people who were being so negative about the holiday. After I posted it I had friends asking if they could re-post it, and then their friends were commenting and re-posting, so I thought I'd throw it up here in case you want to read it too. It's nothing mind blowing or anything, but I guess it struck a nerve with a few people.

"it's true, you shouldn't need a holiday to tell your loved ones you love them. But you don't need Christmas to love Jesus, the 4th of July to feel patriotic, Thanksgiving to be thankful, etc... But none of you are bitching about opening presents, doing fireworks, or having turkey dinner. So stop crying over Valentines day! Love your loved ones today!"