Thursday, March 10, 2011

Planes, No Trains, and an Automobile

Here I sit in Virginia Beach at my brother's home. Jill is feeding Lucy on the couch, and Brian is teaching Isaac how to play baseball. It's been a fun day hanging out with my brother. But today's blog is about how I got to this moment, so let me start the story at 2pm mountain time yesterday, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Brian Armstrong and Rachel Creed were very nice and took Jill an I to the airport. Well, actually I drove, but they came with to take my car back home. They are also watching my pets while I am out. I owe them. They get stuck with my smelly pets often. Anyhow, they dropped us off at the airport and our travel day had just started.

I wasn't nervous about the idea of traveling with a two month old. That is, until I walked into the airport. Then it all hit me. Will she behave? Will people get pissy if she is crying? Will she get sick? Will her ears hurt? My head was spinning. But checking in was fairly easy and we got to go through a family line through security and bypassed about 200 people. Waiting for the plane was easy too. Lucy just hung out while Jill and I ate some lunch.

We flew Southwest and if you've flown with them before, you know that its open seating. The thought of getting on the plane and not having a seat next to Jill and my baby got me worried too. But luckily they have family boarding halfway through the boarding process, so we got on easily.

Jill had Lucy drinking from her bottle or using her binky during takeoff and landings to make sure Lucy's ears would pop. In doing so Lu didn't make a sound on either take off or landing (we had a quick layover in Chicago). She did however look very frightened at takeoff, her eyes were opened as wide as possible. But on both flights Lucy didn't act up, at all. Not once. She was so calm. Many passengers and flight attendants mentioned how cute and well behaved she is. I was a proud poppa!

When we arrived to the common area of the airport Uncle Brian was waiting. He saw us walking towards him and he was beaming. He looked at Lucy and said "you know what's wrong with this picture? I'm not holding her". He grabbed Lucy and his smile was a mile wide.

By this time it was midnight, eastern time. Jill and I were tired, especially Jill since she held the baby 90% of the day. We had Brian stop at Wendy's, since Jill and I hadn't eaten since that sandwich at 2pm back in Salt Lake. We ate our grub and visited with Brian until about 2am. When we tried to put Lucy to bed she had her first breakdown. She freaked out and screamed the loudest I have heard her. For about 3 minutes. Then she was out cold. Poor baby was worn out.

And here we are today. Just hanging out. We've played some fast pitch baseball and did some shopping on the Naval base. Today has been calm and relaxing. Little Lucy has been so happy. Life couldn't get any better! I am so glad to be out here in Virginia with Lucy and Jillian. I've finally met Crystal, Brian's fiance, and her son, Isaac. This is pretty sweet indeed. We have whole lot of plans of doing nothing, that is until we go to D.C. Sunday morning! But for now, I'm just enjoying my family.

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