Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The wasted talent of Jeff Hardy

I just returned from vacation, so I have plenty to type about my trip. However, since this is a blog about my ranting, I feel the need to write about this topic. For those who don't care about wrestling or anything I write that isn't baby related, I suggest you skip this one...

I'm jumping into this story under the impression you know who Jeff Hardy is. If you don't, you can click HERE for his bio. In any event he is a pro wrestler who is best known for his time in the WWE, but now wrestles for TNA.

Jeff Hardy is sick. He's been battling a drug addiction for years. It got him fired from the WWE in 2003 due to his refusal to enter a rehab program. After working for a couple years in the Indy scene and in TNA, Jeff made his return to WWE tv in 2006. Hardy appeared to have cleaned up his act and was quickly given the role of a top talent.

Hardy returned and very quickly won the WWE's Intercontinental title from Umaga. He then suddenly dropped the title to Chris Jericho. Turns out Hardy already failed a drug test and was suspended for 60 days and had his spot at WrestleMania pulled. After returning from suspension the crowd was behind Jeff Hardy. He would get some of the loudest ovations every night. The WWE saw $$$. Jeff had always been a midcard guy, but was never a main event player in his first run with the company. Then the WWE decided to give him the "push" and made him a WWE Champion 3 times.

Jeff is a rare performer in today's wrestling shows as he is loved by children, women, and male fans. He has never been a good talker, but his in ring skill, look, and death defying moves made him a top face. As Champion he faced the WWE's top guys. But trouble seemed to follow Hardy as did nagging injuries. He was even placed in a story line with CM Punk, who despite all the fakeness of pro wrestling, is a real life Straight Edge member.

The story lines blurred the line between reality and fiction of Hardy's life. Punk mocked Hardy for his choices in life. He brought up the suspensions, his release in 2003, the drug use and called him a bad role model. He said all the parents that allowed their children to wear Hardy t-shirts were poor parents. The battled resulted in a loser gets fired match. Punk won and the WWE let Hardy go, again.

Right after his release Hardy was soon arrested for drug trafficking. This however, did not stop TNA from picking up Jeff Hardy as a performer. They've made him a Champion and have turned him heel since the fans had been souring on him and his routine. Hardy has been dealing with these drug charges and is still going to court over them. He has been putting up videos on his website drugged out of his mind, along with his brother Matt, that has the people around him concerned about his well being. But like the poorly run company TNA is, they've done nothing to intervene. That is, until Victory Road 2011 happened.

Hardy was booked to wrestle Sting in the shows main event. Problem was Hardy was drugged out of his mind. When they finally found him in the bathroom, blacked out on the floor, they rushed him out to perform. He staggered on his way to the ring and you could tell something was wrong. TNA sent out Eric Bischoff to check Hardy's condition in the ring. Bischoff paraded around the ring to give Hardy more time to come around, but he was too far gone. Hardy teased throwing his shirt in the crowd for a long time, trying to give himself time to come around.

Wrestling is fake, we all know that. It's more like a dance, were it needs two performers to pull it off. There was no way a match was going to happen. So after a long introduction they started the match. After one kick, and two punches Sting did his finishing move and then he put all of his weight on Hardy's shoulder to pin him in seconds. You can see a visibly confused Hardy upset that they ended the match like that. It made his character look weak. But you can't blame Sting. Hardy, in his condition, could have hurt Sting being as impaired as he was. If you watch the video of the match you can see a pissed off Sting saying "I agree" as the fans chanted "BULLSHIT". Watch the video and tell me what you think.

Hardy has since been suspended from TNA. He maybe going to prison for his drug charges. It's a sad sight to see a man who is giving away everything because of drugs. Here is hoping that one day Jeff can kick this habit before he dies young like so many other wrestlers have.

Here is an article by former WCW announcer Mark Madden. It sums up how I feel about this situation.


Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of wrestling, especially WWE, and I'm aware that not only Jeff Hardy is using drugs, there's Eddie Guerrero who died because of heart attach triggered by drugs, and Chris Benoit, who killed his family and himself because he was high on drugs. I feel sorry for these people, they are great wrestler and people especially kids, looks up to them as if they are a modern day heroes. They should at early stage seek a inpatient substance abuse program because it will help them to look into his/her psychological and moral wellness, as all addictions are triggered by emotional stressors as well as physiological cravings. I know that there are still some more wrestlers who uses drugs, but they must think of the life they may have if they still continue using it.

Matthew said...

Kimberly Anne,

Very well said. I too feel sorry for people who get lost in addiction. These men are heros to many and are living their dreams. I hope he gets the help he needs. Thanks for the read and comment!