Friday, March 4, 2011

3/4/11 Daily Update

I made it the entire month of February without any fast food. My goal was for one month only and I did it. To celebrate doing somethings so healthy for myself, I naturally decided to do something unhealthy. I ate fast food. Jill and I went out to dinner at Five Guys. If you've never had Five Guys, I suggest you try it. Probably the best burger out there. The plan was for a one night celebration and then back to a healthier diet. I'm not going to keep a timetable on when I'll eat fast food again, it just won't be too frequent. Gotta keep things in moderation.

My dear baby Lucille is now two months old. She is such a good baby, even though I tease her and Jill that she's a little booger. I only tease that because when you try to feed her she covers her face with her hands and blocks the bottle. She then cries because she's starving, but fights you and the bottle. It's actually quite funny.

Bad part about being two months old is the immunizations. As a 30 year old man, I fear needles. I can't imagine what an innocent little baby must think as she is staring lovingly into her mothers eyes, only to have a huge needle stabbed (3 times) into her cute, chunky thighs. Jill said other then the tears (both of them) that it went well. Baby is at a healthy weight and length. Only thing she needs to work on is her neck muscles on one side. She always turns her head one direction, so on side is stronger than the other. Other then that, our baby is perfect!

I went to the Utah Jazz VS Denver Nuggets game last night. My friend Andrew took me on a man date. Actually, Andrews brother, Brandon, took us. He has access to a suite and we watched the game from there. It was actually a very close game, and the Jazz lost on some shenanigans on the last play of the night. Worst part was of it was that Brandon and Andrew are Denver fans and I had to watch them enjoy the win!

Only a few more days until we head off for Virginia for our little vacation. Uncle Brian is very excited to meet his niece. I'm very excited to get away from Smith's and to have sometime away. Maybe I'll bump into Obama and I can tell him to keep his head up. What he's doing now, or not doing now, is still better then what George W. was up to...

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