Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Family Matters

My baby is almost 2 months old. Pretty crazy how much time flies. In a week I'll be going to Virginia so baby Lu can meet her Uncle Brian in person. Family is such an important part of growing up, I want her to feel as much love as possible from all her relatives.

Growing up my Mom and her parents were my world. They made my childhood one that was full of love, happiness, and great memories. It hurts so bad that she'll never know any of them as they all have passed on. I want her to grow up and feel the love that I did and I know she will with Jill's family, but I worry about her relationship with mine.

Now she does get lots of love from my brothers and sister, along with her great aunts and uncles. My Grandpa John and Grandma Kathy made the trip out to the hospital to see her right after she was born. But she has never met my father, his wife, or her kids. My dad did come visit Jill and I right after Lucy was born at the hospital, but he was sick and couldn't meet Lucy. Since then he has had some surgeries and whatnot, but he still hasn't met her. His wife and her kids have made no attempt. They have decided to not have anything to do with me or my family because they THINK I hate her.

I lived with my dad and his wife for 2 years. That is all. I moved out before I was 18. We bumped heads quite a bit when I lived with them, but we actually had a pretty great relationship after I moved out, or so I thought. She's made it pretty clear that she's always had a problem with me and she thinks I'm a bad person. I could go in to some detail on our conflicts and why this is so absurd, but I won't. I don't want to throw her or my family under the bus, I still have hope to fix things.

I just can't understand why they would choose not to have anything to do with Lucy. She is such a wonderful little person, and I really want her to have them in her life. She will need her grandparents and I don't want her to grow up without them. I just hope time will heal all wounds, real or made up. I hope that one day they will understand that I love all of them, and I truly believe that family is the most important part of life.

To all of those out there that do show us love, I am so thankful for you. My Aunt Charlotte has been great to us and has taken on a grandparent role since my mother is gone. My Aunt Ruth has been so loving and I'm glad we've reconnected through facebook, of all things. I have nothing but great things to say about my Uncle Jeff, Aunt Jennifer, and my dear Aunt Suzie. They have shown me so much love over the past few years that I didn't know Mabey's were capable off. I love all of you dearly. Brian, Keven, and Sarah... I couldn't ask for better siblings. Thank you for everything!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It's easy to see you in Lucy when you are both bald. :p