Monday, March 28, 2011

So tired...

So tired of being sick.

So tired of owning a million video games and not liking any of them.

So tired of 50 hr work weeks.

So tired of not spending all my time with Jill and Lucille.

So tired of drama.

So tired of sports.

So tired of being tired.

So tired of hurting. Rest in Peace Grandma Pearson.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

So tired of being sick.-The sickness will go away. Hopefully soon.

So tired of owning a million video games and not liking any of them.-I have heard this from other people, too. Maybe they just aren't as fun as they used to be?

So tired of 50 hr work weeks.-Agreed.

So tired of not spending all my time with Jill and Lucille.-If we were independently wealthy, this could happy. But alas, we work to provide a wonderful life for ourselves and especially for our girl Lu.

So tired of drama.-Uh oh? What drama?

So tired of sports.-Baseball will be here soon!

So tired of being tired.-Sleep in tomorrow and take a nap in the afternoon.

So tired of hurting. Rest in Peace Grandma Pearson.-I'm so sorry about your great grandma hun!