Sunday, February 20, 2011

Big Mac Attack

It's now been 22 days since I have eaten fast food. I'm on the fast track to hitting my one month goal. I'm sure I'll go longer then a month without fast food, but not by much. I leave for Virginia on the 9th and I'll have to eat at the airport at some point.

But as I was coming into work today, I saw a coworker eating a Big Mac and my stomach growled. It smelled so good in it's processed glory and yes, at that moment of time I craved one. But I'm pushing on, Big Mac free, for now.

I've been counted calories a little more and I gotta say it's pretty lame that my Risotto lunch only had 220 calories in it and the RC Cola I "treated" myself to later that night had 160! Lame indeed!

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