Saturday, February 12, 2011

No fast food, this month

As I previously posted, Jill and I are staying away from fast food for the month of February. Now that doesn't mean we won't be going out for dinner at all on our dates. We just won't be grabbing any food product from any fast food joints. We have had dinner at Cheesecake Factory and Famous Daves, I know, not really diet food there. But we have kept the portions low and have made better choices. Heck, I've even taken leftovers home instead of finishing off my plate!

By staying away from all fast food and being aware of what I have been eating, I have lost almost seven pounds without really dieting. It's a pretty good feeling. Plus it's been two weeks since I've had anything from one of those places and I really don't miss it. The dinners Jill and I have made at home have been much better. Jill makes an amazing ham fried rice dish and awesome pulled pork! She's planning on making her vegetable lasagna on our next meatless day.

Now I just need to get my energy levels up so I am more active after work. I get so tired after working ten hour days that I really don't feel up to running around and lifting weights. Plus, being home with Lucy is valuable time, so it's hard to leave her to drive back to the gym. Hey, I'll get better at it all. Baby steps....

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Good job avoiding fast food!

Is it possible to go to the gym for an hour or so right when you get off work so there's no driving back and forth? Or does that not work with everyone's schedule?