Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blogger Stats

I was messing around with my blog today. I was looking for a new backdrop. In doing so I ran across some pretty cool stats. Turns out blogger tracks users who read your blog. You don't get any personal information about these people like names or addresses. What you do get is info on what country they are from, how many times your blog is looked at, when the heaviest traffic is, what type of web browser was used, and what operating system was used. This is so cool.

Today my blog was read by 29 different people. Not huge or anything. But one of those readers was from Russia, and another was from South Korea! But when you dig deeper my blog has been read over 400 times this past month with readers from not only South Korea and Russia, but also the United Kingdom, Canada, Netherlands, and Latvia. Isn't Doom from Latvia? When looking at the all time stats of my blog, i found out it has been read by people from France to Iraq. I find this so awesome!

Growing up I had no idea what the kids in the next school were up to, but now with the Internet some (awesome) guy in Iraq knows how I feel about Lucy, Nintendo, and my dog. Instant information. It's also cool to see that 49% of my readers use Windows and 45% use Mac. The majority of readers use Internet Explorer or Firefox, but some use OneRiot or Jakarta Commons (whatever they are).

I always thought that outside of a couple of friends, nobody cared or knew about this little blog. The stats prove otherwise. It kind of makes me want to step up my game and write better posts. I guess I'll get back to my hotel reviews or video game rankings, whatever it is that brought these readers my way. If any of you foreign readers like something I write, drop a line sometime. I'd like to know what it is that brought you to this fat kids postings!


kafabee said...

I love seeing those kind of stats, I use them on our websites. I found out we average about 1500 daily page views on our main site, it's stuff like that that keeps ya feeling good. You've done a great job on this blog, I read it everytime you post, however, I wonder with your recent weight loss campain, will this soon be called 'rants of a skinny kid' ;)

Michelle said...

Sure Matt, you'll post regularly for some person in RUSSIA to read your blog but you wouldn't post weekly so *I* knew what was going on at home. Real nice, feeling the love over here.
