Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25/11 Daily Update

This is me as I write this. Listening to the Beatles, in a Beatles T-shirt.

Almost one month down on my "no fast food" kick. We did order a pizza tonight, so you can say I cheated all you want, but I don't count it as such. I have lost 9 lbs this month with some exercise, but it's mostly been by my food choices. At work I'm not eating more than 400 calories so no matter what we cook for dinner my caloric intake is below 2,000.

I haven't been to the gym in almost a week. I was playing basketball with a group of guys and messed up my fingers in a fluke accident. Someone fouled me and hit my arm as I was catching a pass. It ran my fingers directly into the basketball. It felt like I broke them. Instead of yelling or hitting the dumb kid who ran into me, I punted the ball into the rafters. The next day my fingers were swollen at least twice their normal size. My right pointer finger was completely purple. I still cant bend it completely and it throbs.

The Jazz got their first win under Tyrone Corbin tonight. It was also the debut of Devin Harris and Derrick Favors. Both guys came off the bench and helped the Jazz win a hard played game in Indiana. Ex-Butler player Gordan Hayward made his return to Indiana tonight too. He was also born and raised in the area. He threw down a monster dunk on an Indiana player and the crowd went nuts for him. Very cool moment. In related news, the New Jersey Nets lost in Deron Williams first game with the team. He also hurt his wrist early on. You know what they say about Karma????

I've been playing the video game Prototype for the Xbox. It's been pretty fun. The game is a "sandbox" style game (think Grand Theft Auto) and you have the whole island of Manhattan to run around. You play as Alex Mercer, a young man who is trying to figure out why a plague known as "Blacklight" has been unleashed on New York. Alex has been infected with Blacklight and has superhuman abilities like super strength, shape-shifting, and the ability to run up buildings. Anyone who likes open word games or likes the idea of being able to run all over New York, then run up the Chrysler building just to dive off onto a helicopter, will have a blast with this game.

Being a father is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Lucille is getting smarter each day and her personality continues to develop. She keeps smiling and sticking her tongue out at Jill and I. It's so adorable. Being a husband to Jill is amazing too. She is such a wonderful person, I am truly honored that she chose to live life with me. Life is pretty freaking swell indeed.


Jillian said...

Found myself looking for the Facebook like button...especially when you talk about Lucy and me. :) We're kind of smitten with you, too.

Michelle said...

I would go to a doc about your finger. :\