Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feeling the blues, thanks to the Jazz

I got a text this morning from a friend. It said that Jerry Sloan had quit the Jazz. I didn't believe it, but I still ran to a computer. I fired up yahoo and typed "jerry sloan quit". Multiple articles popped up. They all spoke of a press conference that was going to happen at 3pm where Jerry would address the media. It didn't seem real.

Jerry Sloan started with the Jazz back in 1984 as a scout. He was later promoted to an assistant coach by Frank Layden thanks to some encouragement from Phil Johnson. I very much remember going to Jazz games with my father in the 80's and seeing Frank Layden on the sideline running the show. He was a very round man with huge black rimmed glasses. He was a larger than life character and he brought some national attention to the Jazz. He even won the NBA coach of the year honor, something that Sloan never achieved. But during the 1988-89 season Layden decided to step away from the court and took team president. His first job was promoting Jerry Sloan.

Now I could type endlessly about everything Jerry has done for the Jazz, but if you are a product of the state, or an NBA fan in general, you already know. But I'll hit on a few notes. Jerry was the longest tenured coach in any of the four major sports in America. He won 1,221 games making him the 3rd in all time wins. He lead the Jazz to two NBA Finals. He is the only coach to win 1,000 games with one team.

But those are just numbers. If you know Jerry, he's not a numbers guy. He is an oldschool hard nosed coach. He demanded a lot from his players, and usually he got it. He took a couple of kids NBA scouts thought very little of and turned them into Hall of Famers. You might be familiar with John Stockton and Karl Malone, right? After those two left he took a team led by NBA castoffs like Carlos Arroyo, Tom Gugliotta, and Michael Ruffin, and finished with a winning record. He made players stars and when they left him they were exposed as nothings (see Shandon Anderson). He was loved and admired by his peers and was respected around the world.

But the game has changed. Today's players call the shots, not the coaches. Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Chris Paul, and more, have gotten their coaches fired with their "my way or the highway" stance. They are the stars, the ones who sell tickets and jerseys. If they don't like the coach, they can complain to upper management and *poof* bye bye coach. This has happened everywhere in all the major sports. Everywhere but Salt Lake. Until today.

Yahoo sports, ESPN, Fox Sports, CBS Sports, and many more are attributing to Jerry stepping down directly to the Utah Jazz primadonna himself, Deron Williams. Sloan and Williams have butted heads ever since the Jazz drafted Williams. But unlike other players Sloan has had beef with (Ostertag, Giricek, etc...), Williams has called the shots. He's made jabs in the papers that if things aren't changed that he'll leave. He likes to run the offense himself, but Sloan has always called the plays. Even when John Stockton was here. Turns out the straw that broke the camels back was Deron blowing off a play Sloan called last night against the Bulls. Jerry got after him at halftime and the two had it out. Jerry decided after that, it was time to go home.

It breaks my heart. He was the last piece of my childhood that I could hold onto. All my favorite althetes are gone. MC Hammer isn't cool anymore. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles don't do it for this 30 year old. But Jerry, he was still there. Like a family member. I feel sad. I believe the franchise did him wrong by letting things get to this point. He is a Hall of Fame coach and he deserves better.

As for the new look Jazz, I just cant support them now. Not as long as Williams is there. I'll always love my Jazz. The teams lead by Malone, Stockton, Eaton, Bailey, an so on. But as long as Williams suits up for this team, I will not cheer for them. Jerry Sloan is Utah, not D-Will. This is just a stop for him. He'll leave in free agency, just like all stars do now. He's not Utah.

Thank you very much coach for all you did for this state. You made a positive impact on many people, including us fans. You will be missed by all, including the new Shandon Anderson, Mr. Deron Williams...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

True story--as soon as I heard this news last night, I immediately thought of you!! Had a feeling you wouldn't be happy about sorry!