Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Theaters VS Netflix

My wife has a movie addiction. If it were up to her we'd be at a movie theater every single night. Salty, buttery popcorn in hand and a large soda in the other. During our dating years and the first few years of our marriage we'd hit the theater weekly. Sometimes we went multiple times a week. But then Jill got pregnant.

It just became too uncomfortable for Jill to sit in the theater when she started to get bigger. We haven't been to a movie since November 19th to see the new Harry Potter flick. She wasn't comfortable sitting through that movie, but it would take much more then a prego belly and swollen feet to keep her from Hogwarts.

Outside of the Potter movie it seems like it had been awhile since we went to a show. I went to a few late night flicks with Andrew or Brian, but that was only because my ability to kill Nazi's on Call of Duty stinks and I needed to get out of the house.

Even though we haven't been to the theater in a long time (sorry True Grit) we've seen quite a few movies. This is due to our Netflix membership and the Redbox located in my store. I think Jill has seen more movies in the past month at home with Lucy then at any other time in her life. Netflix is so nice because we can order the disc of any new release and we'll have it in days. The other great thing about it is the ability to streamline shows over our Mac, Macbook, iPad, Xbox, PS3, and Nintendo Wii. It's loaded with great movies and tv shows. It was very useful for me late at night at the hospital. Bill F'n Murray in Groundhog Day kept me sane.

We turn on the Netflix almost daily, but now that Lucy is getting bigger, we are itching to go to a movie. We tried to go a few weeks ago, but Jill couldn't leave Lucy with her parents for very long. She needed her baby. But just today she told me that she was ready to try again. I'm down. Hopefully there is something good showing. If not, I know there is back home on my Netflix.

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