Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It's been over a week since I last ate fast food. I haven't really watched portions or even worked out much, but just by eating at home I have lost 5lbs. It's crazy to think that just by cooking myself instead of Ronald McDonald doing it, I can lose some weight. I need to just do better at portion control and working out and I'll be heading in the right direction.

If you read about my goals you'd know about my plan for Meatless Mondays. Well I failed at my second attempt at it. I went to work and when it was time for lunch I made a roast beef sandwich! Oops! I called Jill and explained my folly, and we ended up with a Meatless Tuesday. It's hard breaking old habits and meat is everywhere. Hats off to my vegan friends!

Baby Lucy is growing so fast and changes daily. She is so beautiful and she makes me smile constantly. She is smiling more and is getting more animated. I adore her.

Well, just wanted to check in real quick, I'm off to the gym. If I don't step away from my computer now, I may never leave.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Plus cooking for yourself is cheaper than eating out all the time.
Make sure you are drinking enough water (milk and 100% juice and diet soda count too)

See you in 5 weeks!