Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oprah, vegans, and double cheeseburgers, oh my!

I watched a bit of Oprah today with my wife. I've maybe seen a total of 30 minutes of her show in my life. Today her topic sparked my interest. It was about the American diet. It talked about vegan choices, the over consumption of fast food, and how animals are killed for our food. It made me think about the choices I make. I eat fast food multiple times a week. It's cheap, mostly tastes good, but most importantly it is addictive. So Jill and I are going to give up fast food for one months straight. We didn't eat fast food yesterday, so today is really day two. Let's see if I can break the addiction. Pair this with the fact I just got my gym membership yesterday and I am going tonight, and hey, I just might start to make some progress.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

1) I love Oprah :)
2) We can totally do it!
3) I'm incredibly proud of you!!