Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bye Bye D-Will

If you read my blog about the sudden retirement of Jerry Sloan you'd know that like many of the media outlets, I placed most, if not all of the blame on the shoulders of Deron Williams. I was very angry with what had been reported by the media. Plus, I have made my own observations of Williams and his leadership. The way he handles himself with coaching and teammates has rubbed me the wrong way. I stated that I couldn't cheer for the Jazz as long as he was on the team. I felt very comfortable with the idea of him leaving in free agency. He's made snide comments about being here and when you add that with the way modern players ditch their teams for greener pastures (Lebron, Melo, etc...) I just felt in my heart that his time in Utah would end soon. I just didn't realize how soon.

Deron Williams played in 3 more regular season games and one more NBA All-Star game as a member of the Jazz. In a very bold move, the Jazz sent Williams to the New Jersey Nets. The Jazz received a package of Devin Harris, Derrick Favors, a 2011 draft pick, a 2012 draft pick, and $3 million. Shipping away a franchise player is always a scary idea, but the package the Jazz received is more than fair. Harris is a former NBA All-Star and is only a year older then Williams. Favors is the youngest player in the NBA at 19. He was the 3rd overall pick in the 2010 draft and has HUGE potential. The Nets stink and the 2011 draft pick will be a top ten pick, if not top five. The move also saves the Jazz money, which is very helpful when you're a small market team.

As much as I was mad at Deron and I made threats of not cheering for him again, it still kind of hurts. I liken it to a bad break up. You've all been in love with someone who broke your heart. Deron broke my heart, in sporting terms of course. I loved his play, cheered for him like crazy, and then he pissed me off and my love turned to hate. Now, he's gone. No chance of making up. From here on out he will always be an enemy. My favorite player has become my most hated. Seeing him holding up his Nets jersey felt like a punch to the gut. But something deep inside of me still wants to love him.

In the end all Deron wanted was to win basketball games. He'll have a hard time doing so surrounded by those scrubs in Dirty Jersey. But that's ok for him. He's a free agent after next season and he'll leave. Just like he was going to do in Utah. He'll end up in New York or Los Angeles. Wherever he chooses. Then we'll see what he brings to the table. In the meantime, the Jazz will be ok. They brought in some decent players and hopefully the two draft picks will yield the next Deron Williams, Lebron James, or Chris Bosh. And if it does, Utah will only be renting them for a few years before they too leave the City of Salt, for some big city lights. Makes you miss and respect Stockton and Malone, even more.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It weirds me out hardcore that our newest player is younger than I am.

But then again, one of my track girls that I take care of thought I was 27 and graduated the other day, so maybe I'm older than I think.