Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2010 Goals Version 1

So I have a few goals I am aiming for and I want to "put them in writing" so I can see them. Also, having some people know my goals will also help keep me motivated, so I am putting them out here on the interwebathingymabob. I'm not afraid of who I am nor am I ashamed, I just want to better myself for my future, and my daughter's (isn't she cute) future. So he we go.

1. I would like to lose 30 lbs. I am currently at my largest weight ever of 256 lbs. That number is shocking to me because I never thought I could get that high. Karl Malone weighs 256 lbs and he's 6 foot 9 inches and looks like a body builder. How can my 5'11" handle that? Yikes!

2. I want to play basketball more. It was my life before Grant passed. It brought me more pleasure than Xbox has and I'd like to spend more time with the former and less with the latter.

3. I want to help Jill clean and cook more. She doesn't really ever ask, but I know she'd like some help now and then.

4. Meatless Mondays. I want to go one day of the week where my diet has no meat intake. Oprah and Paul McCartney asked me to, so I was like "okay".

5. No fast food for the month of February. I will detail this challenge in future blogs.

So there we goal. My goals for the next little while. They shouldn't be too hard, but I'm sure I'll need a push here or there. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress!


Jillian said...

I think you can totally do them and they aren't unrealistic or anything so you're not setting yourself up for failure!

Lu and I will cheer you on! GoOooOoOoOooOoo Daddy!

Michelle said...

These goals sound great! I look forward to hearing about your progress; to cheer you on in the good and encourage you with the bad!

If you need help with work out ideas or nutritional advice, feel free to ask. You'll probably end up with a much bigger answer than you wanted, but I would be happy to help. (Plus, it's kinda like, my job to tell people how to exercise, so this will help me practice)