Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Post

I wrote the following on my facebook today due to all the people who were being so negative about the holiday. After I posted it I had friends asking if they could re-post it, and then their friends were commenting and re-posting, so I thought I'd throw it up here in case you want to read it too. It's nothing mind blowing or anything, but I guess it struck a nerve with a few people.

"it's true, you shouldn't need a holiday to tell your loved ones you love them. But you don't need Christmas to love Jesus, the 4th of July to feel patriotic, Thanksgiving to be thankful, etc... But none of you are bitching about opening presents, doing fireworks, or having turkey dinner. So stop crying over Valentines day! Love your loved ones today!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this one! Even though I am married, I am not the biggest Valentine's person, but that's because I think people should express their love for others on a regular basis. I don't think Valentine's is a stupid holiday though.