Friday, August 19, 2011

August Update

Lucille has found her voice. She is now growling, yelling, giggling, and I think yodelling too. My super smiley baby is now full of all sorts of unusual sounds. Sounds that makes her sound more like a very spitty monster than a 7 month old baby. It is very cute though.

Her little personality is starting to show. She definitely lets you know if she is happy or not. Plus what has her thoroughly entertained one moment will drive her nuts the next. She has me constantly changing whatever I am doing to keep her entertained.

My brother and his family will be in town in a couple days. I am very excited to see him. I start vacation on Wed and we are going camping in Idaho with Jill's parents. My Aunt Suzie also rented a spot and will be camping there too. My brother Keven and his family will also becoming up. It will be great to see everyone! Plus I haven't been camping in a couple years and I've been itching to go out.

I've been debating with myself (& Jill) about whether or not I should invest in a MacBook Pro. I do have a desktop and an iPad, so it's not like I don't have any computers, but I just really want a laptop. It can do so much more than my iPad ( the iPad is more of an E-reader, mp3 player, and net book), and would be even more powerful than my 2006 iMac. But it is definitely a want not a need. I'm just not sure if I should or could pull the trigger on buying one...

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