Monday, August 22, 2011

MacBook Pro

So I did it. I spent way too much money and bought myself a laptop. I couldn't help it. I must have been the only 31 year old man in the U.S. that didn't have one, right? Never mind that I have an awesome desktop and an iPad, this is 2011 and daddy needs his tech stuff.

I did sell a TV to help pay for part of it. I am also selling my scooter and quite possibly my desktop too. So I'm parting with some of my old toys to make way for the new ones. I am also seriously thinking about taking a Mac class because even though I know a fair amount of stuff, I still find new things out all the time.

But anyway, I am pretty happy with my purchase even with the small amount of buyers remorse that comes with spending money on myself :)

In any event here is a some pic of me and my little hommie Issac!

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