Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cotton hoarding

When I was a kid I used to tease my father because he had the same sneakers for what seemed like forever. I used to tell him that it would be ok if he bought new stuff for himself once in awhile. I thought he was cheap and that he didn't spend money on sneakers or jeans because he wanted to save money. Then I grew up and started acting the same.

It's not a money thing. He makes good money and I make ok money. Maybe it's a comfort thing? Whatever the reason may be, I too hold on to clothing for much longer then I should. Right now I am wearing gym shorts I have had (and wear weekly) since I was in high school. I had a brown belt that I wore for 8 or 9 years that my brother Brian made me throw out. Last night Jill made me throw out all my undershirts, socks, and underwear because the whites are now gray and they freak her out. Some of those shirts I've had before we got married. So we went to Target and dropped some cash on some new whites.

I buy new t-shirts often. Problem is I don't really throw out any that I've outgrown, that have shrunk, or are just plain beat up. I almost have a clothing hoarding issue. I still wear the same silvertab jeans I bought when I was in high school, only difference is that the size 38 used to be really baggy (hey that was the style in 95-98) and now they fit snug. I have work shirts that I haven't used in years. And yes, I have sneakers that I can't remember when I wore last.

But like all my undergarments, I am getting rid of my clothes. We packed up 4 heaping bags full of gear and I am going to go drop it off at a charity (minus my undies). It feels nice to get rid of that stuff, but at the same time it's kind of sad. Quite a bit of that stuff I still wore. My Utah Jazz shorts were a staple of my lounging out ever since I lived with Mary, David, and Guy. That was 1998!

I'm afraid that if I didn't get rid of my old threads, Jill was going to call "What Not to Wear" on me. I can't help it, if it's comfortable, I'll wear it. I hate the feel of new clothes, especially jeans. My new clothes are ok for now, but knowing me, I'll probably be really attached to them by 2020., you know just in time for Jill to make me throw them out again :)

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