Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Top 5 Reason why I want Jimmer Fredette to be an NBA Star

There is nobody more polarizing in basketball right now then Jimmer Fredette. You have people all over the world debating his worth in the NBA. In college Jimmer was the National Player of the Year. Many feel he'll be exposed at the next level. You have people like Kevin Durant and Barack Obama singing his praise, but you have many others comparing him to other great white hypes that fizzled (Morrison and Redick). The debate is huge in Utah based first on the Utah/BYU rivalry and secondly because the Jazz have two top picks and may use one on Jimmer. In any event here are my top 5 reasons why I want to see Jimmer kick some butt in the NBA.

5 - If you know anything about Mormon folklore you know that Mormon church ball is a rugged game. It basically allows well rounded young men the chance to act barbaric and become unleashed in God's house. They even made a movie about it starring my good friend Stan Ellsworth and Gary Coleman. But you know what's harder than church ball? Refining your skills playing basketball against prisoners in New York. That's just one place Jimmer learned to ball. Jimmer and his brother used to play pick up games at Mount McGregor Correctional in Saratoga, NY. He attributes this to helping him play through "rough situations".

4 - The last Mormon who did anything worth noting in the NBA was Shawn Bradley. Shawn stands 7'6'' and weighs as much as a toy poodle. If you bought an NBA poster from say 1993-2005, that big white guy getting dunked on was most likely Shawn. I'd like to see a white Mormon due something in the NBA other then getting smashed on.

3 - I am a Utah homer. I love the Jazz, the Salt Lake Bees, the Utes, and then to a smaller extent the Grizzles hockey team, and the BYU Cougars. I never cheer for BYU to beat Utah, but when they are playing anyone else, I want them to do well. It looks good for our small, over looked state. But when I was a child, my Poppa - who by the way is my hero - was a BYU guy. He took me to all the football games starring Ty Detmer at QB. So deep down, somewhere I still have a small amount of affection for the Cougars.

2 - Because Jimmer has a terrible rap song written about him. There is a song out there that is performed by some white rappers and the hook repeats "teach me how to Jimmer" over and over. It's obnoxious and just plain bad. When I was 16 I used to make terrible raps songs with my buddy (who really is a rapper and a damn good one) and I used to make silly basketball puns too. Their song and mine are pretty similar in flow. However I was 16 and didn't aspire to be a rapper and these fellas are, well not 16. The video is priceless however. Enjoy

1 - And my top reason for wanting Jimmer to excel at the next level? Because he gives all slow white guys with excellent range and zero defensive ability a chance to shine. We love him as one of our own. Obviously I am nowhere as good as Jimmer, but our game is similar. When I go to the rec center I have three options on offense. 1 - I can pass and set up my teammate. 2 - I can cross you over with an ugly cross over that shouldn't work. Or 3 - The most likely option. I'll just shoot a 30 foot 3-pointer and drop it! Then on defense you'll make me look terrible. Jimmer gets exposed because, well, defense just isn't his game. My excuse is because I'm old and fat. Either way, I gotta root for the kid!

I hope to see Jimmer Fredette make noise in the NBA. He's worked hard and he deserves it. But most of all, I want him to make it just so I can hear people continue to argue over his ability and I hope for a new rap video from Provo, Utah!

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