Thursday, September 29, 2011

Random Sports thoughts...

Does anyone else feel really bad about Peyton Manning? The guy had the longest active streak of games started by an NFL quarterback, and now after two serious neck surgeries, he's sitting on the sidelines. The last time someone else started at QB in Indy was in 1997. That guy is now the Head Coach of the 49ers, Jim Harbaugh. Peyton seems like a stand up guy and is probably the best QB in football. Just doesn't seem right without him there.

Speaking of football, how 'bout the Giants? Always love watching the Eagles lose, especially to the G-Men.

The NBA canceled the preseason. Yikes. This doesn't look good. I'm afraid the season will be lost and this certainly won't help this league that has been struggling to keep people interested since MJ hung 'em up. I really hope they get this labor dispute figured out!

Floyd Mayweather did not "cheat" and gave Ortiz what he deserved. If you don't know what I am talking about, look it up!

Pro-wrestling (yes, it's scripted, but it's still sporting) has really been good since CM Punk ran his mouth. I haven't been into Raw this much in 10 years.

Lastly, I just have to throw Jimmer Fredette's name out there. My number one read blog was the one where I talked about Jimmer playing in the NBA. I may have also poked a bit of fun at the rap song made about him too... Anyhow, for some reason google search has been throwing that blog out there for people and it has been read 5 times to 1 on any other blog I've wrote. Just wanted to see if I threw his name out there again, if this one would be read that much too. Gotta love BYU COugar fans and their undying love for Jimmermania!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mayweather wins.......fatality