Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blogger Stats Part 2

I wasn't going to write anything tonight, but after checking my blogger stats I just couldn't help it. For some reason my page had a huge spike in traffic in the past couple days. Turns out for the week of Feb 21 -28, I have had 67 page views from South Korea. Wonder what I am writing that has people over there reading my blog? Perhaps it has to do with the NBA or Xbox? Maybe they just think fat Americans are interesting? In any event I appreciate the views!

Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25/11 Daily Update

This is me as I write this. Listening to the Beatles, in a Beatles T-shirt.

Almost one month down on my "no fast food" kick. We did order a pizza tonight, so you can say I cheated all you want, but I don't count it as such. I have lost 9 lbs this month with some exercise, but it's mostly been by my food choices. At work I'm not eating more than 400 calories so no matter what we cook for dinner my caloric intake is below 2,000.

I haven't been to the gym in almost a week. I was playing basketball with a group of guys and messed up my fingers in a fluke accident. Someone fouled me and hit my arm as I was catching a pass. It ran my fingers directly into the basketball. It felt like I broke them. Instead of yelling or hitting the dumb kid who ran into me, I punted the ball into the rafters. The next day my fingers were swollen at least twice their normal size. My right pointer finger was completely purple. I still cant bend it completely and it throbs.

The Jazz got their first win under Tyrone Corbin tonight. It was also the debut of Devin Harris and Derrick Favors. Both guys came off the bench and helped the Jazz win a hard played game in Indiana. Ex-Butler player Gordan Hayward made his return to Indiana tonight too. He was also born and raised in the area. He threw down a monster dunk on an Indiana player and the crowd went nuts for him. Very cool moment. In related news, the New Jersey Nets lost in Deron Williams first game with the team. He also hurt his wrist early on. You know what they say about Karma????

I've been playing the video game Prototype for the Xbox. It's been pretty fun. The game is a "sandbox" style game (think Grand Theft Auto) and you have the whole island of Manhattan to run around. You play as Alex Mercer, a young man who is trying to figure out why a plague known as "Blacklight" has been unleashed on New York. Alex has been infected with Blacklight and has superhuman abilities like super strength, shape-shifting, and the ability to run up buildings. Anyone who likes open word games or likes the idea of being able to run all over New York, then run up the Chrysler building just to dive off onto a helicopter, will have a blast with this game.

Being a father is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Lucille is getting smarter each day and her personality continues to develop. She keeps smiling and sticking her tongue out at Jill and I. It's so adorable. Being a husband to Jill is amazing too. She is such a wonderful person, I am truly honored that she chose to live life with me. Life is pretty freaking swell indeed.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bye Bye D-Will

If you read my blog about the sudden retirement of Jerry Sloan you'd know that like many of the media outlets, I placed most, if not all of the blame on the shoulders of Deron Williams. I was very angry with what had been reported by the media. Plus, I have made my own observations of Williams and his leadership. The way he handles himself with coaching and teammates has rubbed me the wrong way. I stated that I couldn't cheer for the Jazz as long as he was on the team. I felt very comfortable with the idea of him leaving in free agency. He's made snide comments about being here and when you add that with the way modern players ditch their teams for greener pastures (Lebron, Melo, etc...) I just felt in my heart that his time in Utah would end soon. I just didn't realize how soon.

Deron Williams played in 3 more regular season games and one more NBA All-Star game as a member of the Jazz. In a very bold move, the Jazz sent Williams to the New Jersey Nets. The Jazz received a package of Devin Harris, Derrick Favors, a 2011 draft pick, a 2012 draft pick, and $3 million. Shipping away a franchise player is always a scary idea, but the package the Jazz received is more than fair. Harris is a former NBA All-Star and is only a year older then Williams. Favors is the youngest player in the NBA at 19. He was the 3rd overall pick in the 2010 draft and has HUGE potential. The Nets stink and the 2011 draft pick will be a top ten pick, if not top five. The move also saves the Jazz money, which is very helpful when you're a small market team.

As much as I was mad at Deron and I made threats of not cheering for him again, it still kind of hurts. I liken it to a bad break up. You've all been in love with someone who broke your heart. Deron broke my heart, in sporting terms of course. I loved his play, cheered for him like crazy, and then he pissed me off and my love turned to hate. Now, he's gone. No chance of making up. From here on out he will always be an enemy. My favorite player has become my most hated. Seeing him holding up his Nets jersey felt like a punch to the gut. But something deep inside of me still wants to love him.

In the end all Deron wanted was to win basketball games. He'll have a hard time doing so surrounded by those scrubs in Dirty Jersey. But that's ok for him. He's a free agent after next season and he'll leave. Just like he was going to do in Utah. He'll end up in New York or Los Angeles. Wherever he chooses. Then we'll see what he brings to the table. In the meantime, the Jazz will be ok. They brought in some decent players and hopefully the two draft picks will yield the next Deron Williams, Lebron James, or Chris Bosh. And if it does, Utah will only be renting them for a few years before they too leave the City of Salt, for some big city lights. Makes you miss and respect Stockton and Malone, even more.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Big Mac Attack

It's now been 22 days since I have eaten fast food. I'm on the fast track to hitting my one month goal. I'm sure I'll go longer then a month without fast food, but not by much. I leave for Virginia on the 9th and I'll have to eat at the airport at some point.

But as I was coming into work today, I saw a coworker eating a Big Mac and my stomach growled. It smelled so good in it's processed glory and yes, at that moment of time I craved one. But I'm pushing on, Big Mac free, for now.

I've been counted calories a little more and I gotta say it's pretty lame that my Risotto lunch only had 220 calories in it and the RC Cola I "treated" myself to later that night had 160! Lame indeed!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Only 10 more days in the month of February. I haven't had any fast food at all during this time, and it's been just fine by me. I lost 7 pounds right off the bat, but my weight has plateaued. It's time to ramp up the exercise and diet better.

Being a father is amazing. Lucy is growing so fast and is getting smarter by the day. We have a little game we play where I get right in her face and talk or make a random sound. Right after I do, she makes the sound right back. Sometimes when I say "hello" the sound she makes sounds just like the word. It's so freaking cute. I did this over skype with my brother Brian watching and it brought him to tears. Tender stuff indeed.

Speaking of Brian, my family and I will soon be going out there to see him. We leave in March. We'll be spending some time at his place in Virginia Beach, and then a couple days in D.C. I've never been to D.C. before, and I am excited to be the tourist I am. I am also looking forward to how well Jill and I do with a baby in the airport, on a plane, and 3,000 miles away from home. Wish us luck, or send us any tips you'd like to share!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Post

I wrote the following on my facebook today due to all the people who were being so negative about the holiday. After I posted it I had friends asking if they could re-post it, and then their friends were commenting and re-posting, so I thought I'd throw it up here in case you want to read it too. It's nothing mind blowing or anything, but I guess it struck a nerve with a few people.

"it's true, you shouldn't need a holiday to tell your loved ones you love them. But you don't need Christmas to love Jesus, the 4th of July to feel patriotic, Thanksgiving to be thankful, etc... But none of you are bitching about opening presents, doing fireworks, or having turkey dinner. So stop crying over Valentines day! Love your loved ones today!"

Happy Valentines Day!

I bought you a card. I bought you some jewels. As cool as those things are, they aren't your "real" gift. This is. From the heart.


Thank you for being you. Not a day passes that I don't think about how lucky I am to have found you. We weren't suppose to be together, I dated your friend in high school and you dated (kind of) my friend. But our paths have crossed in weird ways. We've live in the same neighborhoods in Sandy and in the Roy area. Our families both have roots in the same Idaho area. We didn't see much of each other after high school, but we bumped into each other a few times. Maybe fate was trying to put us together? Then tragedy struck and we lost a good friend.

This pain united us and a love grew. They say you need shit for a flower to grow, and something really bad brought us something very great. There is no doubt in my mind that we were meant for each other and you crossed paths with me one more time when I really needed it.

The love I have for you is like nothing I've known. It's beyond physical, mental, and emotional. You are a part of me and I can't imagine life without you. I am so happy to share this next phase of my life with you, as parents. Now I could ramble about your looks, your humor, your smarts, the cute way you do the things you do, but I would just keep typing forever. So I'll sum it up the best way I can... Jillian, I love you more!

Hope you have a great Valentines Day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

No fast food, this month

As I previously posted, Jill and I are staying away from fast food for the month of February. Now that doesn't mean we won't be going out for dinner at all on our dates. We just won't be grabbing any food product from any fast food joints. We have had dinner at Cheesecake Factory and Famous Daves, I know, not really diet food there. But we have kept the portions low and have made better choices. Heck, I've even taken leftovers home instead of finishing off my plate!

By staying away from all fast food and being aware of what I have been eating, I have lost almost seven pounds without really dieting. It's a pretty good feeling. Plus it's been two weeks since I've had anything from one of those places and I really don't miss it. The dinners Jill and I have made at home have been much better. Jill makes an amazing ham fried rice dish and awesome pulled pork! She's planning on making her vegetable lasagna on our next meatless day.

Now I just need to get my energy levels up so I am more active after work. I get so tired after working ten hour days that I really don't feel up to running around and lifting weights. Plus, being home with Lucy is valuable time, so it's hard to leave her to drive back to the gym. Hey, I'll get better at it all. Baby steps....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feeling the blues, thanks to the Jazz

I got a text this morning from a friend. It said that Jerry Sloan had quit the Jazz. I didn't believe it, but I still ran to a computer. I fired up yahoo and typed "jerry sloan quit". Multiple articles popped up. They all spoke of a press conference that was going to happen at 3pm where Jerry would address the media. It didn't seem real.

Jerry Sloan started with the Jazz back in 1984 as a scout. He was later promoted to an assistant coach by Frank Layden thanks to some encouragement from Phil Johnson. I very much remember going to Jazz games with my father in the 80's and seeing Frank Layden on the sideline running the show. He was a very round man with huge black rimmed glasses. He was a larger than life character and he brought some national attention to the Jazz. He even won the NBA coach of the year honor, something that Sloan never achieved. But during the 1988-89 season Layden decided to step away from the court and took team president. His first job was promoting Jerry Sloan.

Now I could type endlessly about everything Jerry has done for the Jazz, but if you are a product of the state, or an NBA fan in general, you already know. But I'll hit on a few notes. Jerry was the longest tenured coach in any of the four major sports in America. He won 1,221 games making him the 3rd in all time wins. He lead the Jazz to two NBA Finals. He is the only coach to win 1,000 games with one team.

But those are just numbers. If you know Jerry, he's not a numbers guy. He is an oldschool hard nosed coach. He demanded a lot from his players, and usually he got it. He took a couple of kids NBA scouts thought very little of and turned them into Hall of Famers. You might be familiar with John Stockton and Karl Malone, right? After those two left he took a team led by NBA castoffs like Carlos Arroyo, Tom Gugliotta, and Michael Ruffin, and finished with a winning record. He made players stars and when they left him they were exposed as nothings (see Shandon Anderson). He was loved and admired by his peers and was respected around the world.

But the game has changed. Today's players call the shots, not the coaches. Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Chris Paul, and more, have gotten their coaches fired with their "my way or the highway" stance. They are the stars, the ones who sell tickets and jerseys. If they don't like the coach, they can complain to upper management and *poof* bye bye coach. This has happened everywhere in all the major sports. Everywhere but Salt Lake. Until today.

Yahoo sports, ESPN, Fox Sports, CBS Sports, and many more are attributing to Jerry stepping down directly to the Utah Jazz primadonna himself, Deron Williams. Sloan and Williams have butted heads ever since the Jazz drafted Williams. But unlike other players Sloan has had beef with (Ostertag, Giricek, etc...), Williams has called the shots. He's made jabs in the papers that if things aren't changed that he'll leave. He likes to run the offense himself, but Sloan has always called the plays. Even when John Stockton was here. Turns out the straw that broke the camels back was Deron blowing off a play Sloan called last night against the Bulls. Jerry got after him at halftime and the two had it out. Jerry decided after that, it was time to go home.

It breaks my heart. He was the last piece of my childhood that I could hold onto. All my favorite althetes are gone. MC Hammer isn't cool anymore. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles don't do it for this 30 year old. But Jerry, he was still there. Like a family member. I feel sad. I believe the franchise did him wrong by letting things get to this point. He is a Hall of Fame coach and he deserves better.

As for the new look Jazz, I just cant support them now. Not as long as Williams is there. I'll always love my Jazz. The teams lead by Malone, Stockton, Eaton, Bailey, an so on. But as long as Williams suits up for this team, I will not cheer for them. Jerry Sloan is Utah, not D-Will. This is just a stop for him. He'll leave in free agency, just like all stars do now. He's not Utah.

Thank you very much coach for all you did for this state. You made a positive impact on many people, including us fans. You will be missed by all, including the new Shandon Anderson, Mr. Deron Williams...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blogger Stats

I was messing around with my blog today. I was looking for a new backdrop. In doing so I ran across some pretty cool stats. Turns out blogger tracks users who read your blog. You don't get any personal information about these people like names or addresses. What you do get is info on what country they are from, how many times your blog is looked at, when the heaviest traffic is, what type of web browser was used, and what operating system was used. This is so cool.

Today my blog was read by 29 different people. Not huge or anything. But one of those readers was from Russia, and another was from South Korea! But when you dig deeper my blog has been read over 400 times this past month with readers from not only South Korea and Russia, but also the United Kingdom, Canada, Netherlands, and Latvia. Isn't Doom from Latvia? When looking at the all time stats of my blog, i found out it has been read by people from France to Iraq. I find this so awesome!

Growing up I had no idea what the kids in the next school were up to, but now with the Internet some (awesome) guy in Iraq knows how I feel about Lucy, Nintendo, and my dog. Instant information. It's also cool to see that 49% of my readers use Windows and 45% use Mac. The majority of readers use Internet Explorer or Firefox, but some use OneRiot or Jakarta Commons (whatever they are).

I always thought that outside of a couple of friends, nobody cared or knew about this little blog. The stats prove otherwise. It kind of makes me want to step up my game and write better posts. I guess I'll get back to my hotel reviews or video game rankings, whatever it is that brought these readers my way. If any of you foreign readers like something I write, drop a line sometime. I'd like to know what it is that brought you to this fat kids postings!

Theaters VS Netflix

My wife has a movie addiction. If it were up to her we'd be at a movie theater every single night. Salty, buttery popcorn in hand and a large soda in the other. During our dating years and the first few years of our marriage we'd hit the theater weekly. Sometimes we went multiple times a week. But then Jill got pregnant.

It just became too uncomfortable for Jill to sit in the theater when she started to get bigger. We haven't been to a movie since November 19th to see the new Harry Potter flick. She wasn't comfortable sitting through that movie, but it would take much more then a prego belly and swollen feet to keep her from Hogwarts.

Outside of the Potter movie it seems like it had been awhile since we went to a show. I went to a few late night flicks with Andrew or Brian, but that was only because my ability to kill Nazi's on Call of Duty stinks and I needed to get out of the house.

Even though we haven't been to the theater in a long time (sorry True Grit) we've seen quite a few movies. This is due to our Netflix membership and the Redbox located in my store. I think Jill has seen more movies in the past month at home with Lucy then at any other time in her life. Netflix is so nice because we can order the disc of any new release and we'll have it in days. The other great thing about it is the ability to streamline shows over our Mac, Macbook, iPad, Xbox, PS3, and Nintendo Wii. It's loaded with great movies and tv shows. It was very useful for me late at night at the hospital. Bill F'n Murray in Groundhog Day kept me sane.

We turn on the Netflix almost daily, but now that Lucy is getting bigger, we are itching to go to a movie. We tried to go a few weeks ago, but Jill couldn't leave Lucy with her parents for very long. She needed her baby. But just today she told me that she was ready to try again. I'm down. Hopefully there is something good showing. If not, I know there is back home on my Netflix.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It's been over a week since I last ate fast food. I haven't really watched portions or even worked out much, but just by eating at home I have lost 5lbs. It's crazy to think that just by cooking myself instead of Ronald McDonald doing it, I can lose some weight. I need to just do better at portion control and working out and I'll be heading in the right direction.

If you read about my goals you'd know about my plan for Meatless Mondays. Well I failed at my second attempt at it. I went to work and when it was time for lunch I made a roast beef sandwich! Oops! I called Jill and explained my folly, and we ended up with a Meatless Tuesday. It's hard breaking old habits and meat is everywhere. Hats off to my vegan friends!

Baby Lucy is growing so fast and changes daily. She is so beautiful and she makes me smile constantly. She is smiling more and is getting more animated. I adore her.

Well, just wanted to check in real quick, I'm off to the gym. If I don't step away from my computer now, I may never leave.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2010 Goals Version 1

So I have a few goals I am aiming for and I want to "put them in writing" so I can see them. Also, having some people know my goals will also help keep me motivated, so I am putting them out here on the interwebathingymabob. I'm not afraid of who I am nor am I ashamed, I just want to better myself for my future, and my daughter's (isn't she cute) future. So he we go.

1. I would like to lose 30 lbs. I am currently at my largest weight ever of 256 lbs. That number is shocking to me because I never thought I could get that high. Karl Malone weighs 256 lbs and he's 6 foot 9 inches and looks like a body builder. How can my 5'11" handle that? Yikes!

2. I want to play basketball more. It was my life before Grant passed. It brought me more pleasure than Xbox has and I'd like to spend more time with the former and less with the latter.

3. I want to help Jill clean and cook more. She doesn't really ever ask, but I know she'd like some help now and then.

4. Meatless Mondays. I want to go one day of the week where my diet has no meat intake. Oprah and Paul McCartney asked me to, so I was like "okay".

5. No fast food for the month of February. I will detail this challenge in future blogs.

So there we goal. My goals for the next little while. They shouldn't be too hard, but I'm sure I'll need a push here or there. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress!

Oprah, vegans, and double cheeseburgers, oh my!

I watched a bit of Oprah today with my wife. I've maybe seen a total of 30 minutes of her show in my life. Today her topic sparked my interest. It was about the American diet. It talked about vegan choices, the over consumption of fast food, and how animals are killed for our food. It made me think about the choices I make. I eat fast food multiple times a week. It's cheap, mostly tastes good, but most importantly it is addictive. So Jill and I are going to give up fast food for one months straight. We didn't eat fast food yesterday, so today is really day two. Let's see if I can break the addiction. Pair this with the fact I just got my gym membership yesterday and I am going tonight, and hey, I just might start to make some progress.