Saturday, March 7, 2009

End the Blog?

I have a myspace account that I hardly use. When I first got it, myspace was still in its infancy. It was fun. I reconnected with old friends. I left witty comments on peoples pages. I had so much fun, but then that month ended. Now myspace is boring. I keep it because I don't email and it is a way for me to keep in contact with people that I don't always see. I keep it because I can see new pics of Elijah and his parental units. I keep it to make sure my sister is alive. I keep it to keep tabs on what new pictures and music Adverse is putting out there. So, myspace is boring, but I have my reasons to keep it. Myspace stays.

But now I wonder if I should keep this blog. Only about five people ever read it. My posts aren't as compelling now that I am happy. They made for good reading when I was sad. But now my posts have been limited to garbage about my hair or the recent run the Utah Jazz are on. I've thought about just quitting posting and I want to know, does anybody still read this and would they care if it were gone? I might just use myspace to blog if I need to get some thoughts out if this page is irrelevant. Let me know what you think...


Jillian said...

Personally I love that you have a blog. I like reading random things you come up with, but it's up to could just blog on Myspace if you wanted. I do know my parents read your blog, they just never comment. They don't comment on mine either. :)

Jillian said...

Oh and my mom reads it, too. And Amanda. And Michelle. And Ritz. And Guy and his wife.

Anonymous said...

I read it.

But only cause I'm a HUGE CREEPER and like knowing what is going on while I'm not around.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog! (Being the Amanda that Jill was referring to, of course.) But blogging is a personal choice--continue if you enjoy it, stop if you don't. Or maybe just take a break and see if you miss it? Entirely up to you. :-)

Suzie said...

I vote keep it... This is how I make sure my nephew is alive. Yes, I do stalk you and your wife secretly. Besides... how would I ever know where to stay in Vegas? :~)