Sunday, March 1, 2009

CBS Sports is unAmerican

So to all that know me well, you know that I am into sports. I love them. I love watching them. I love reading about them. I love to blog on the Internet about them. The majority of the people I hang out with, do not share my passion. Andrew likes boxing, but that's about it. Brian LOVES the Utah Jazz and goes to all the games with me, but knows little outside the NBA realm. David, just doesn't care. So since I can't debate sports with them, I have been blogging on CBS Sports since Feb 2007. I've had a good time there and have had some heated moments. It has all been in fun and I've loved it. CBS Sports is the most viewed web page on my browser, but this will now change.

This site lets you have avatars. I've had many from MC Hammer, to Karl Malone, the Jazz logo, the New York Giants, the Mets, Will Ferrell, and so on. The latest avatar I've used has been the logo for the USS Dwight D Eisenhower Aircraft Carrier, that my brother Brian is stationed on. I've had this avatar up for about 5 months. Well recently, CBS has changes their avatar rules, along will countless other rules on this site. They sent me an email stating that my avatar doesn't fit the policy. They say it is offensive. WTF? What is offensive about the ship my brother lives on? Last I checked, CBS is an American company and the USS Eisnehower is out in the Arabian Sea defending this country. How dare those computer geek bastards tell me that my photo is offensive. They deleted other guys avatars too that includes women in bikini's, yet the front page of CBS Sports has their own link to their "Spin" section which includes the Maxim Magazine monthly hottie and other half naked chicks. The hypocrisy makes me boil.

Out of protest and to honor my brother out to sea, I will no longer use that account to discuss sports. Espn has one. ABC has one. FOX has one. I will use one of these sites to destroy kids in sports knowledge and will not blog on CBS (Communist Broadcast Station) again.

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