Thursday, March 26, 2009

I HATE MLB 09 - Worst Game of the Year!

Oh my GOD this game is garbage. I love baseball. I am an avid video game player. I have bought some version of a baseball game for the past 15 years. Never more have I been so annoyed and frustrated with a stupid baseball game. The pitching is horrible. If you time the release just right, it still doesn't throw the ball where you aimed it. The batting is stupid. The computer AI is unfair. I purposely made a team full of All-Stars and played a team of minor league dudes and I still lost 8-1. Nothing about this game is fun at all. And no, it is not that I just suck at this game, I kicked butt on last years version and I have always been great at baseball games. This one is just flawed and stupid. I have played 10 games now and am 1-9. I will never play this piece of garbage again. I want to SCREAM!!!!!! Damn waste of $60!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fenway Park

Anybody who knows anything about baseball knows that Fenway Park in Boston is hallowed grounds. Fenway Park opened in 1912 and not a whole lot has changed there since. The park is known for its funny shape, small capacity, the green monster, and lately, Championships. This is the same place legends from this game once stood, such as Ted Williams and Babe Ruth. In today's game full of modern stadiums with comfy leg room and perfect views, Fenway stands out from its counterparts. This summer I am making my way to Boston and I just purchased tickets to see the Redsox play the Texas Rangers. I am so excited to spend time in this legendary park. It will be a great experience and I will cheerish the time there. However, my fat butt will probably be happier when it sits in the new, bigger, comfy chairs in the New York Mets stadium, Citi Field that will be in its first season open this year. It will be cool that in a matter of days I'll be sitting in the oldest ball park in the country, and then just days latter, I'll be in the newest!

Top 5 reason I know I'm now OLD

5. I enjoy quiet nights, reading in bed with my cats at my feet over "partying".

4. Everyday I notice a new gray hair on my head, while my beard turns white.

3. The Getto Boyz have less play time on my ipod and Led Zepplin and Fleetwood Mac get more.

2. My 17 year old bagger at work guessed that I was 38 years old. I'm 28.

1. For vacation we are going back East to visit a friend of Jill's and to see Baseball! (No Disney World or Vegas for us this time, just America's past time)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Whether or not you believe in God, I recommend you watch this movie. It makes you really question why we do and think somethings we do. Also, it is nice to see Cardinals from Vatican City who admit it is time to change the way we view certain things now that man has a grasp on science. I mean, the Bible was written by men who thought the world was flat and you should be put to death if you eat corn....

It is very funny and I think you should all give it a try.

Random stuff

I've decided to keep my blog as it is another form to keep in contact with friends and family that I don't always see. Plus, if anything I write makes the random stranger stop and laugh, cry, question themselves, or have any impact at all, I guess that is a good thing.

Today is St. Patrick's Day. Even though I have some Irish bloodlines, I really have no desire to do anything festive today. I don't like corned beef or cabbage. I don't like beer, especially those thick, dark, Irish brews. Plus I've never been into the party scene, as large groups of stupid people annoy me, rather then spark fun moments. I usually have to kick someones butt, figuratively or verbally when I'm at a large gathering of intoxicated buffoons....

I got a new phone as the one I had just can't seem to get a connection at my house. Kind of worthless to have a cell phone that doesn't work when I'm home. I bought a Blackberry Curve and so far I am not really sold on it. It's a nice phone with some really neat features, but my last phone, the Samsung Instinct, was just so freakin sweet. Well, at least I get a signal now.

It was nice to see Michelle this past week, even though she brought the wicked cold of Wisconsin, home with her. She left here sick, which is unfortunate, but at least she took the cold weather back with her.

Andrew, who I absolutely adore, in a straight forward - non homoerotic fashion, manged to get me to play Resident Evil 5 with him for about 12 hours...straight... Thank you Jill for not dumping me.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

End the Blog?

I have a myspace account that I hardly use. When I first got it, myspace was still in its infancy. It was fun. I reconnected with old friends. I left witty comments on peoples pages. I had so much fun, but then that month ended. Now myspace is boring. I keep it because I don't email and it is a way for me to keep in contact with people that I don't always see. I keep it because I can see new pics of Elijah and his parental units. I keep it to make sure my sister is alive. I keep it to keep tabs on what new pictures and music Adverse is putting out there. So, myspace is boring, but I have my reasons to keep it. Myspace stays.

But now I wonder if I should keep this blog. Only about five people ever read it. My posts aren't as compelling now that I am happy. They made for good reading when I was sad. But now my posts have been limited to garbage about my hair or the recent run the Utah Jazz are on. I've thought about just quitting posting and I want to know, does anybody still read this and would they care if it were gone? I might just use myspace to blog if I need to get some thoughts out if this page is irrelevant. Let me know what you think...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Hair is gone

Utah Jazz and my Vacation

As I've stated on here before, I am a Utah Jazz season ticket holder. Right now the Jazz are the hottest team in the NBA, reeling off wins against NBA heavyweights like the Lakers, Celtics, Rockets, and Hornets. The Jazz have won nine straight games and are finally healthy after having to use makeshift lineups after superstars like Deron Williams, Carlos Boozer, and Andrei Kirilenko have all missed major time due to injuries. Now how does this tie in with my vacation, you ask? Well I scheduled my Boston/New York vacation during the month of June. The week we'll be on vacation in June, just happens to be the week the NBA Finals will happen. Now I know it is a small chance the Jazz will make the finals, it is still a possibility. I will feel like the biggest ass if my Jazz, the team I pay X amount of dollars a year to watch, make the NBA Finals, and I am not here to watch it. Ouch...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

CBS Sports is unAmerican

So to all that know me well, you know that I am into sports. I love them. I love watching them. I love reading about them. I love to blog on the Internet about them. The majority of the people I hang out with, do not share my passion. Andrew likes boxing, but that's about it. Brian LOVES the Utah Jazz and goes to all the games with me, but knows little outside the NBA realm. David, just doesn't care. So since I can't debate sports with them, I have been blogging on CBS Sports since Feb 2007. I've had a good time there and have had some heated moments. It has all been in fun and I've loved it. CBS Sports is the most viewed web page on my browser, but this will now change.

This site lets you have avatars. I've had many from MC Hammer, to Karl Malone, the Jazz logo, the New York Giants, the Mets, Will Ferrell, and so on. The latest avatar I've used has been the logo for the USS Dwight D Eisenhower Aircraft Carrier, that my brother Brian is stationed on. I've had this avatar up for about 5 months. Well recently, CBS has changes their avatar rules, along will countless other rules on this site. They sent me an email stating that my avatar doesn't fit the policy. They say it is offensive. WTF? What is offensive about the ship my brother lives on? Last I checked, CBS is an American company and the USS Eisnehower is out in the Arabian Sea defending this country. How dare those computer geek bastards tell me that my photo is offensive. They deleted other guys avatars too that includes women in bikini's, yet the front page of CBS Sports has their own link to their "Spin" section which includes the Maxim Magazine monthly hottie and other half naked chicks. The hypocrisy makes me boil.

Out of protest and to honor my brother out to sea, I will no longer use that account to discuss sports. Espn has one. ABC has one. FOX has one. I will use one of these sites to destroy kids in sports knowledge and will not blog on CBS (Communist Broadcast Station) again.