Sunday, January 9, 2011

The longest day Part 1

January 3rd was the date. After advisement from Jillian's Doctor due to some potential health concerns, we scheduled to have Jill induced at 7:30am. We arrived at the hospital a few minutes late and I joked "Wow, we're late for our own baby's birth". I was very wrong on that statement. Doctor Larsen broke Jill's water and we, along with some family, waited. And waited. And we waited. Hey look, it's 5pm, it has got to be soon, right? We waited some more. Jill held out as long as she could, but then chose to have an epidural. I stayed in the room and held her hand while they did it. I hate needles. It was like torture for me, so I knew it had to be terrible for Jill. But she was awesome. She handled it like a pro. I learned a lot about the kind of person she is that day. Such a strong woman. Epidural is now done, Jill is an 8, and 90% effaced. It's time, right?

Nope. Not even close. We were all getting so tired. Jill and I didn't sleep the night before. We were so excited about the idea of having a baby that we couldn't sleep. It was like waiting for Christmas, or going to Disneyland for the first time. "We're too excited to sleep!", if you remember that cute Disney commercial... Anyways, the day just kept going on. It felt like it was never going to happen. Jill turned to me and joked, "Lucy will be an only child". Jill's Dad and Step-Mom, Mother, and my Brother Keven, all waited together. It was nice to have everyone there for the support. It made things so much better. Late that night, my Aunt Charlotte, her husband Jeff, son Parker, and my Aunt Ruth came down. Charlotte and her family traveled from Bear Lake, Idaho. By 11pm the baby had to have come right, I mean her water broke at 7:30am and with all the medicine we would surely have our girl here in 15 hours? Negative.

I don't remember the time, I was running on fumes and Lorna Doone cookies, but it was after midnight and I came out and told Charlotte that she better head back to Idaho. She had work in the morning and a three hour drive a head of her. I also sent Keven home. He had taken a personal day from work and spent all day and night with us. I told them all to home and get some sleep and that they would be notified when things changed. Then we waited some more. Then around 3am, the nurse came and checked Jill again. She said that even after all the oxytocin (medicine to help induce the labor), the water being broken, and 19 hours of labor, that Jill's body was still not ready for baby. She said she was going to call the Doctor. About 15 minutes later the Doctor, bed hair and all, came into check on Jill. He had her push a few times to see if they baby could break through. After a few pushes he had my exhausted wife stop. He told her that she gave it the "good old fashion college try" (whatever that means) and that it was time for a C-section....

1 comment:

Erin said...

so many highs & lows of getting a baby here. even with my scheduled c-section my dr got delayed in california & we had to wait for him to catch a new flight (i had already been hooked up to everything so we couldn't leave).

glad that lucy came out a healthy baby & jill a healthy mommy. :)