Sunday, January 2, 2011

Brian, Keven, Sarah, Zach, and Katie

Those are my siblings. Brian, Keven, and Sarah are the spawn of my mother and father. Zach and Katie are my stepbrother and stepsister. I love all of them dearly. I haven't seen Zach or Katie in a very long time. Because of my deteriorating relationship with my father and stepmother, those two have chosen to stop talking to me. It breaks my heart, but I understand their reasoning. No matter the reason for the family dysfunction, that is their mother and I am just the stepbrother. I can't say I blame them. I just wish they knew that I love them like they were my blood too. Maybe one day?

As for Brian, Keven, and Sarah, well those kids are in my life, and outside of Jill (and Lucy), they are my heart. Brian and I are only two years apart in age, so naturally we were more like enemies then buddies growing up. Actually when he was first born, I was so in love with him. I thought having a baby brother was so neat. But a few years later he got really good at finding ways to get me in trouble, so then I'd pummel him. It was a viscous cycle. As we grew up, we got better at getting along and as adults we've become best friends. He serves in the Navy now and has become a very great man. I look up to him in many ways and I am very proud of him. Even though he doesn't have children, he dated a lady who had a son. Brian was the BEST damn example on being a father. Seeing him with that child only made my desire to be a father grow. It was funny seeing the family rebel turn into Mr. Navy and into a stand up father. You are a great man Brian!

Keven was my mothers sensitive little man. Thing is he grew up to be a very tall, strong, keep the emotions on the inside man. But that's not saying he still isn't sensitive, he just doesn't share with many people. Keven has been dealt such a bad hand in life, but he keeps fighting and pushing forward. He is the hardest working of the bunch, and even though it drives him nuts when I say it, he acts like our father in many ways. He is also the "pretty" one out of the Mabey boys. He doesn't buy clothes, he buys "outfits". Keven and I have grown very close in the past 10 years and I love him dearly. I hope that one day the drama that seems to follow him will let him be and he will be liberated from the emotional damage. Keven, you are a great person. I wish I had half of the know-how and motivation to succeed as you do. The way you carry on day to day to be the best is an inspiration to me.

Sarah, my dear sister. Mom was so happy that she finally got her girl. She was born on April Fool's day and the doctor told my mom, "Congratulations, you have a boy". She wasn't pleased with the joke. I moved out of my dad's home in 1998 and sis, was only 10. I missed so much time with her when she was growing up, and it makes me sad. I did get to live with her during her last year of high school, but she kind of followed in Brian's shoes and was a handful. I did my best to try to be a good big brother and to be sort of a father figure to her. Not sure if I helped at all, but I tried. Since then, Sarah has moved to Park City and lives the life of a ski bum, and I mean that in the best way possible. She gets paid to work at the ski resort and then gets to ski on her free time. Sounds like a sweet deal to me! She's pretty darn good at it too! I am really proud of my sister and the young woman she's become. She looks just like mom and many of her mannerisms are the same. Keep doing what makes you happy in life sis, you have to enjoy the journey. Just know that I love you very much and I'll always be around for you.

The reason I wrote this is because all of you have been on my mind. I just want you to know that we are family and my love for you is never ending. I will always be around no matter what, for all of you. I will never back down when life gets hard. I will never leave your side and you can always count on me. You will always have your big brother here for you. You are MY FAMILY. Us against the world!


Jillian said...

.....found myself looking for the Facebook "like" button.

And I only married into the family, but I'm here, too. Promise.

Anonymous said...

This about brought me to tears. I know I don't even know half of the things that have happened to everyone, but while growing up with Keven and Sarah and living across the street, I know things weren't easy at home at times. I am glad they are doing alright though and that they have a wonderful big brother and I am sure sister in law to look up to! :)