Sunday, July 1, 2012

Big Changes

I decided a few months back that it was time for some changes in my life. Work had become something I really stopped enjoying, and a few people I worked with didn't alway seem to have my best interests in mind. Instead of joining the training to get myself promoted, I opted out. I started looking for a new job, something that I felt rewarded in doing, yet allowed me the chance to be a good dad to my girl. When I thought I had a job at "Local BYU Style Candy Place", I stepped down from my manager position at "National Grocery Store with Local Name" so I could be ready to take the job. Unfortunately, the job I thought was going to be mine, was offered to someone else. I'm sure that person fit the "BYU" persona a little better than I. So I went back to the grocery store. It was weird being just a clerk after being a manager for so long. Many things that I would normally fix were no longer mine to deal with. I thought I'd be happy about less responsibilities, but it was the opposite. Seeing things that need help, but not being able to do it, drove me nuts. But this store (not the same one I ran) had a few of my best friends there, so that made it better. After a few weeks I got in touch with a friend at "5th largest National Bank" and told her I wanted to work there. She pulled some strings and I got to meet the District Manager. I was offered a job for less money then my clerk position at the grocery store, and far less than my salary as the boss. Still, I knew inside it was a change I needed. So here I am, making far less money and learning a whole new trade. But the thing that really makes it all worth while is seeing my little Lu. I've had the chance to spend more time with her this Spring than at any other point in her life. We've bonded and she's become my best friend. Jill has been great and very supportive, even as the cash flow was reduced to a cash trickle. Without her support, I'd probably still be getting walked all over at the "National Grocery Store with Local Name". It's really a big change, and a scary one even. But I know inside, I made the right call. Once the ball gets rolling at the bank, I'm going to keep pushing so I'm back at the top. Mediocrity is not my style. So after 15 years of blood, sweat, and tears, I am moving on to bigger and better things. I'll miss all the friends I've made, I'll miss all the money left on the table, but I won't miss the inability to have some normalcy in my personal life. Being with Jill and Lucy isn't worth those green backs. Plus for those who really know me, you understand that playing politics is not my style. If i wanted to get ahead in life by being a yes man, I probably could, but my censor button doesn't always work and my opinions fall from my mouth with ease.

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