Saturday, July 28, 2012

Opportunity Knocks

Less than a month ago I wrote a blog about my decision to leave my current job in order to take one with a bank. My reasons for doing so were simple. Less stress and more time with the family. Easy choice, right? I've been employed with the bank now for a little over a month. I'm still in the training faze and am really not much of a banker yet. I do enjoy the bank, my coworkers, and the customers. I've even been awarded a service award from my District Manager for excellent customer service. Things are pretty good here. So then why did I just put in my two weeks notice?

Yep, after all the training dollars spent on me by the bank, after telling my previous job (that I have 15 years of service with) that I'm done with them, after having a friend at the bank sticking her neck out for me to even have this job, I'm just walking away. What's wrong with me?

Opportunity. I had an opportunity open up and after reviewing it, it was too good to pass on. The major factor in seeking employment at the bank was the ability to spend more time with my daughter. I've spent much more time with her lately and it has been wonderful for me, and hopefully for her too. See, I'm still currently employeed by my first job. I've been working there randomly to keep my foot in the door. My good friend, Brian, is a manager there. After talking to him we noticed how I could return to work there, making as much, if not more than at the bank, while working less hours, and being home with Lucy when Jill is at work. More money and Lucy is being raised by her parents 100% of the time? Did I really have a choice?

It seems fairly simple to me. I work the weekends, which I did anyways at the store, and then one more day midweek. They'll be long shifts, 10+ hours. But by doing so, I'll be home the rest of the week. When I'm putting in those hours, Jill will be home with our little one. She will always have one of us around. No more daycare. Jill won't have to get up early to get her ready and then come home late after picking her up. No more tears when dropping her off with the sitter (more of Jill's and mine than Lu's). That thought makes me very happy.

So I put in my two weeks today. Even though I haven't been here long, it was one of the hardest things I've done. I've been sick to my stomach over doing so. So many good people at the bank have looked out for me. I feel terrible to be leaving them all so soon. I hope they all understand my reasons. I know my friend, who got me this job, is very supportive. She sent me a very nice text that has helped ease my worries. I've also been worried about letting her sitter know. She's a sweet lady, and I know she cares for Lucy very much. I'm sure we'll still use her here and there when needed, which is ok by me, because I know Lucy loves her too.

So there it is. The craziness that has been my 2012 continues. I'm still keeping my options open for that perfect job too. No need to jump into anything that isn't just right. What's right for my family right now is to make the money I can, and for Jill and I to always be availbe to our girl. I'm looking forward to this new "job" of fulltime Dad. I can't think of a better gig out there.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you made the right choice! Dont even worry about the bank. You were a great asset to our team and you will be missed but either way Im glad your happy and Id stick my neck out for you again in a heart beat! Thanks for being amazing and for being you. Good luck in your new journey. Im always here when you need it!

Matthew said...

I really appreciate your support! Thank you!