Monday, September 28, 2009

Vacation Time

So my work finally approved my time off, and even thought it is after my Anniversary which I'll have to work now, it will still be fun. At first a bunch of my friends were going to come with me, but due to different life circumstances they have all dropped out one by one. Right now it's just Jill and I going.

So where are we going? San Francisco to see my best friend David and his family. It will be so good to see them again. I love San Francisco and can't wait to be there with my wife. We are going to go to the 49ers Vs Titans football game while we are there too. I can't wait until then. Also, since I have been dieting it will be nice to be in San Fran so I can cut loose and eat some great Asian dishes! Is it Nov 6th yet?

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Yeah, sorry, you're stuck with the ol' ball and chain