Tuesday, October 6, 2009

XboxLive? More like Xboxdied!

I play Xbox. I play it more then a married 29 year old man should. I also own a PS3 and a Wii. I like video games, it's who I am and I'm not ashamed of it (like I am of my love for pro wrestling, but that's another post). My PS3 and Wii have both given me moments of fun. The Wii is interactive and is good when entertaining. The PS3 has a few great games and offers Blu-Ray movies, which is nice on my 1080p tv. But, by the dust collecting on both those machines, you can tell that I am an Xbox guy all the way. Problem with Xbox 360 systems is the fact that they self destruct. They are the most problematic console in history. Every single person I know has had one die on them. I've had two die now. Xbox knows they make crappy machines and luckily fix a majority of them for free. So, it's cool that they will once again fix my machine for free, but it sucks that I have to go about three weeks without my favorite toy. Even worse is that my wife leaves for a vacation in Denver to see her mother Thursday, and I won't have her warmth and love at home, nor will I have it from my Xbox. Guess I'll have to dust off the PS3...

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I'm really glad Xbox will pay for this one. Don't really fancy buying another one. But I do feel badly that you won't have it to play while I'm gone.

You can write me poetry.

No? That doesn't sound fun? Ok, play the Wii and PS3. :)