Saturday, September 19, 2009

End of Summer

Well, Summer is coming to a close fast, but I am not to worried. My favorite time of the year is the fall. There is nothing like a crisp, cool fall evening in Salt Lake City. The leaves are orange, the air is clean, and the rain leaves a wonderful smell in the air. I love Halloween. It is my favorite holiday and I'm not big on candy. Death is a huge fear of mine and I think I like Halloween so much because I get to taunt death and make light of it. Kind of silly, I know. I also celebrate my anniversary in the fall. I am married to a wonderful person who completes me. We have a good time together and we make the most if it come fall time. We go to Haunted Houses, do the anniversary thing, usually go on a vacation, etc...

Speaking of vacations, I am trying to get some time off this November to go visit my best friend David and his family in San Francisco. I went last year to see him and he helped me out through a patch in my life that I didn't know how to get through. I may only see him a few times a year now, but we share a life long bond and he will forever mean the world to me. Our family lives have mirrored each other for years and I think God made him my best friend for a reason!

I have just completed week three of my new job. It's hard work and the hours stink, but I feel more accomplished then I did before. Let's just hope I continue to move up so I can get better hours to see my wife lady more often. As much as I complain about working, I am just happy that I have a job that pays the bills. Now, if they'd just approve that vacation time!

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Yay for fall, vacations and our anniversary! FIVE years! Holy cow!