Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 thoughts...

Just watched some documentaries about 9/11 on the History Channel. I don't want to write a long blog and try to do myself proper representation on how I feel right now. I also don't want to be dramatic or too heavy either. I just want to say that my heart is still very hurt and I still feel pain and anger when I think of or see video of 9/11/2001. There will always be two parts of my life. The time before this event and the time after. My brother joined the Navy in 2001 and has spent a good amount of time over seas the past few years and I just want him to know that I love him and am proud of the man he has become. I love my country and I love New York. Life is fragile. Love those around you. Like my homeboy John Lennon said "Give Peace a Chance".

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