Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weddings, Vegas, Seattle, and a water logged phone

It has been a busy summer. I've blogged a bit about the craziness surrounding my job, but in between all of that, I have had a bunch of weddings to go to. A bunch equals 3. But 3 is quite a bit when you're involved in all of them as Jill and I have been. Not to mention that one was north of Seattle and another was in Vegas. Not only has it been the summer of job uncertainity, it has also been the summer of love. Let me begin with wedding #1.

My best friend of 25 years married the woman of his dreams on June 30, 2012. It was such a cute wedding. Karen, the bride, made all of the decorations including cute Jones Soda bottles that featured their cake toppers in different scenes. Those cake toppers, she made too! My best friend, David, has never looked happier. He's a private person so I won't go into much more detail about the wedding other then to say that it filled my heart with so much joy and happiness. I gave a toast that day to the bride and groom, and I was told I knocked it out of the park. Also, June 30th has always been a sad day for me, as it is the day my mother passed. Now June 30th holds a happy and special place for me. Congratualtions David and Karen.

The next wedding we went to was in Las Vegas, for Jill's brother, Brady, and his soon to be wife, Lara. On July 13, 2012, Jill and I were lucky enough to take part in such a beautiful wedding for these very special people. Jill was a bridesmaid and I was a groomsman. My father-in-law and mother-in-law rented a big house in Vegas for the family to stay in. The place had a pool, and Lucy got to swim for the first time. Vegas was very humid during this trip and it even rained a few times, but it cleared up in time for the wedding. Both Brady and Lara looked amazing. Their venue was awesome and it was a perfect setting for these two. It was an honor to be apart of it and I wish nothing but happiness to them.

The last wedding of the summer was for Jillian's best friend, Brook. Along with their friend, Monica, they've been best friends for around 20 years. I met Jill, Monica, and Brook back in 97-98. Back then Brook and I got along better than Jill and I did. In fact, back then Jill didn't care too much for me. But that is another story all together. Anyhow, back to the wedding. Jill was a bridesmaid for this wedding and she looked wonderful. I don't have any pictures of the wedding myself as I sadly didn't make it. Between having to take care of Lucy, who wasn't feeling well, I too wasn't feeling well and I wasn't in the best mood. A few days prior I decided to take Lucy swimming. After a few laps in the pool I realized my wallet, which contains my iphone, was still in my pocket. Epic fail. So Jill and I decided it would be easier for her to help Brook if Lucy wasn't their trying to get to Jill. She's been on a Mama kick. If Mom is around she has to hold her 24/7 or she cries. So I missed the wedding, but Jill has gushed about how cute it was, how handsome Tim looked, and how amazing Brook looked. I send my love and best wishes to the couple and hope for many wonderful years for them.

So there you go. A quick run down of the weddings we went to this summer. They were all amazing in their own ways. I saw my best friend marry. Jill saw hers marry. We also saw a brother marry, and we gained a wonderful sister. It's been a pretty wonderful summer if you ask me. That is, if I don't think about that darn iphone!

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