Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Date days with Lucy

When Jill was pregnant, people would always ask me if I wanted a boy or a girl. I honestly had no preference, but Jill and I always had a feeling we'd have a girl. I'd always had dreams about our child being female and we even had a name picked out for her way before we were pregnant. For those who don't know, I was named after my Grandma on my mothers side. Her maiden name was Lucille Matthews. I, obviously, was given the family name as my own, and I had always wanted to name a daughter Lucille, after my wonderful Grandma too. 

After Lucy was born, people would still ask if I was ok with having a girl, or if I really wanted a boy. They'd ask if I was a little sad that I didn't have a little boy to play sports with, or whatever it is little boys do. I'm always taken back by this question. Why would anyone be sad to have one gender over another? Children are children. Sure boys and girls are different, and I'm sure when Lucy starts to become a woman I'll be clueless and terrified for my safety. That said, I have never wished Lucy wasn't a little girl. I am head over heels for her.

My love for Lucille Joy Mabey can not be accurately described in words so I won't try to break it down. What I can say is that I love her more than life. She is so wonderful and always makes me smile. Right now as I type she's watching SpongeBob and laughing out loud and it's cracking me up. Everyday she says something new, or she surprises me by giving me random hugs and unexpected kisses. It brings this fat kid to tears more often than I'd like to admit.

One thing I want to do for Lucy, no matter how many children Jill and I have, is that I always want to make time to take her on Daddy/Daughter dates. Just a little one on one time so she'll always know that she is important to me. Right now one of our favorite activities is to go to Tracy Aviary at Liberty Park. Lucy loves birds. She runs around and waves at all the birds and makes sure to say"hi" to them. I've been taking her there since she's been able to leave the house and each time is a new experience. As much as Lucy loves going, I know I love it even more because I get to watch her and her interactions with the birds and with the other people at the park. She is so smart.

Usually after the park Lu and I go grab some lunch together. Sometimes we go to the Jasmine Bistro by the lot formerly known as Cottonwood Mall. Watching Lu discover new food and tastes is so cute too. It's funny to watch her chow down on California rolls, tempura, and other Asian dishes. We have so much fun and it warms my heart.

So no, I don't have a little boy, and it doesn't bother me. There is no way having a boy is better than this. It might be just as good, but defiantly not better. I think there is a special bond between a father and his girl, and it's a wonderful thing. Any father with a little girl knows what I mean. 

Lucy, this is a promise to you. Your Daddy will always make time for you. We will continue to do these forever. No matter where my job takes me, no matter how many kids your Mom and I have, no matter what, I will always make time for just you. You are so special to me and I want you to always know it. 

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Who ever thinks that little girls can't play sports with their dads can go straight to hell.