Thursday, September 29, 2011

Random Sports thoughts...

Does anyone else feel really bad about Peyton Manning? The guy had the longest active streak of games started by an NFL quarterback, and now after two serious neck surgeries, he's sitting on the sidelines. The last time someone else started at QB in Indy was in 1997. That guy is now the Head Coach of the 49ers, Jim Harbaugh. Peyton seems like a stand up guy and is probably the best QB in football. Just doesn't seem right without him there.

Speaking of football, how 'bout the Giants? Always love watching the Eagles lose, especially to the G-Men.

The NBA canceled the preseason. Yikes. This doesn't look good. I'm afraid the season will be lost and this certainly won't help this league that has been struggling to keep people interested since MJ hung 'em up. I really hope they get this labor dispute figured out!

Floyd Mayweather did not "cheat" and gave Ortiz what he deserved. If you don't know what I am talking about, look it up!

Pro-wrestling (yes, it's scripted, but it's still sporting) has really been good since CM Punk ran his mouth. I haven't been into Raw this much in 10 years.

Lastly, I just have to throw Jimmer Fredette's name out there. My number one read blog was the one where I talked about Jimmer playing in the NBA. I may have also poked a bit of fun at the rap song made about him too... Anyhow, for some reason google search has been throwing that blog out there for people and it has been read 5 times to 1 on any other blog I've wrote. Just wanted to see if I threw his name out there again, if this one would be read that much too. Gotta love BYU COugar fans and their undying love for Jimmermania!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Daddy & Daughter Part 1

Well these photos were suppose to start with her right after birth and then progress, but blogger loads the photos backwards, so I guess start at the bottom and work your way up? Anyway, here a few pics of me and my little one.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Post

I realize that I have been posting quite a few sad, angry, or depressing posts lately. I'm actually a fairly happy person, I just use this as a forum to get things off my chest. It's therapeutic. With that said, for every boo-hoo blog I write I need to write a couple happy posts to help counterbalance things. So on with the non-pissy stuff!

Baby Lucille is a riot! She now claps and actually says "yay" when doing so. It's so funny. She gives the best smiles every time I come home from work. What makes these smiles even better is seeing her two front teeth that have come in. Poor thing has been a bit cranky during teething, but overall I think she's handled it great. She's so strong and she lefts herself up all the time. She tries so hard to just get up and run. I really think this girl is going to skip the crawling stage and jump directly into sprinting!

We hit up the state fair last week. It rained all day, but it was still fun. We took Lucy and when she wasn't snoozing, she was having fun. One of the carnival vendors thought she was cute and gave her a Utah Jazz hat he was selling. We ate delicious food and just enjoyed our friends and the atmosphere. The next morning Jill, Lucy, and I went to the Tracy Aviary at Liberty Park. Lucy enjoyed seeing all the birds and we shared the perfect morning as a family!

Last night I sold my scooter. I really wanted it when I bought it, but I just never had the time to really use it. The guy that bought it off me will get much more use out of it then I did. With it being sold I have downsized my toy collection quite a bit. I guess it's just one more step towards being a functioning adult.

In two weeks I am going to be the best-man at Brian A. and Rachel's wedding! It's an honor to be selected to be apart of their day. I hope only the best for these two dear friends. I have another friend who is planning on getting married next year and he also asked if I'd be his best-man. I'm excited to take part in that wedding because this mystery friend has been apart of my life longer than anyone else that isn't actual family. For those of you who know who I am talking about, just know I don't know if he has formally announced it yet, so keep quiet! ;)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Uncontrollable Anxiety

I'm 31 years old. When in the hell did this happen? I still feel like I act and do the same dumb ass things as I did when I was 21. But somehow I am now closer to 40 than 20. Thinking about that has me really freaking out...

My mother died when she was 38. My Grandma Lucille was in her 50's. My father's mom died in her 30's when my dad was just a child. My buddy Grant died at 23, albeit by his own hand. All of these people left way too early and I can't help but think, every night as I try to fall asleep, that my time is right around the corner. Every single night as I try to sleep I can't help but think that I am one day closer to my death.

But what is a 31 year old man suppose to be anyways? I have a decent paying job, that I do not enjoy. That seems pretty common, right? I have been married for almost 7 years and I have a wonderful baby girl. That seems about right. But is it normal for a 31 year old man to play Xbox or to stay up late on the internet listening to music and writing blogs that only a handful of people notice? Is it normal to wear football jerseys, baseball caps, screen printed tee's, and khaki shorts? I just feel like maybe I look and act much younger than I am. Plus, most of my friends are almost 10 years my junior...

I'm not trying to hold onto my youth, but I just don't feel like I know how to let go. I'm not sure I need to let go either. I guess that's my problem, I just don't know what I am suppose to be.

I know I want to be the best husband to Jill. She's a great lady and she deserves the best. I know that I want to be the best daddy to Lucy. I just don't know how I am suppose to do that. Sometimes I want to quit my job and find work that would actually allow me to be off when Jill is. I'm sure it would pay less, but what is more important; more money for my family and spending more time away from them, or less money and more time spent together? I struggle with this all the time. I am the man and I am suppose to "bring home the bacon" so I feel like I just have to go to work and bring home the money. However, my heart tells me to leave my job, give up many of my luxuries, and spend more time at home with my loved ones.

But above all of these worries, the thing that bothers me the most is not having my dad around. My sweet daughter is almost 10 months old and he has yet to hold her. I wish I understood how to control this pain because I am afraid this above all, will lead me to that early grave I dream about nightly...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Camping 2011

I love camping. I'm not quite sure camping loves me though. Once again I had a tent commit suicide while I slept in it. I mean it was bad enough that this tent was much smaller than advertised and that I had to sleep in a very small corner on the unforgiving ground. But the tent caved in on itself, smothering me and letting the rain fall on my face! This happened the first night. I slept in there for two more.

The rest of the trip was fun though. We camped near Bear Lake, up by Minnetonka Cave. I love it up in that area. This is where my Mother's family is from. My Aunt Charlotte (Chuck) lives in the house my Poppa (Grandpa) was born in, in a little town called Bloomington. My sister Sarah is currently living up there too. Up the dirt road on the top of a hill overlooking the Bear Lake Valley is my Mothers and Grandparents final resting places. Obviously I am deeply rooted to this area.

We camped with Jill's parents, who I adore. They are such great people. Jill's had extended family there too and they feed us delicious food every night. So much in fact that I gained 5lbs! My brother Brian and his wife (Krystal) and son (Issac) came up with us. Those three shared the lovely tent with me. But what was really cool is that my Aunt Suzie (on my Dad's side) reserved the spot next door to us. She came up along with my brother Keven and his family (Tiff, Tayvia, and Eyslee). It was cool to have so many loved ones up there from all sides of the family! I just hope I did a good job of spending time with everyone and not making anyone feel left out.

We went to Minnetonka Cave and we hiked to Bloomington Lake, which by the way is the prettiest place on Earth. My Poppa once said something along the lines of - "God created the Heavens, the Earth, and then Bloomington". The hike isn't too treacherous, but when you're as out of shape as I am and you are caring your 20lb baby girl, your legs will feel the burn. Plus, it was especially hot this time of year up there. I think we all melted a bit each day!

The best part of the trip though was spending time with my wife and daughter. Lucy has been a bit cranky lately and she let us know when she was unhappy, but for the most part she was an angel. Jill and I had a great time taking her cute little pictures. She's such a ham for the camera. Oh and speaking of Lucy, my Aunt Charlotte has given her her very own horse. That's right, my 8 month old baby has her own horse. She's a cute little pony named Bumper. Lu was a bit confused around the horse, but I am sure, especially since she's from my family, she'll be on that horse in no time!

I'm sure this was our last camping adventure of the year, but I can't wait for next year! I'm going to buy myself an awesome tent, built for a king! Or at least one that isn't all emo and hurts itself and whithers away!