Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am obsessed with the Beatles. I can't get enough. No matter how hard I try to listen to other music, my ipod finds its way back to John, Paul, George, and Ringo. I'm reading books on the Fab Four, watching documentaries, and youtubing videos like mad. I don't think I have been captivated by something other then my love for my wife like I have for the Beatles. Their genius is unparalleled and the music ages so well. Right now I cannot get enough of "Blackbird", "No Reply", "Two of Us", and "Dig a Pony". If you haven't listened to them in awhile, or you've never given them a chance, I suggest you do! I've converted a few friends, maybe you will become a fanatic too?

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I heart you. More than the Beatles. But they are, perhaps, in my top ten of those I love. ;) Blackbird is probably my current favorite song, too.