Monday, September 28, 2009

Vacation Time

So my work finally approved my time off, and even thought it is after my Anniversary which I'll have to work now, it will still be fun. At first a bunch of my friends were going to come with me, but due to different life circumstances they have all dropped out one by one. Right now it's just Jill and I going.

So where are we going? San Francisco to see my best friend David and his family. It will be so good to see them again. I love San Francisco and can't wait to be there with my wife. We are going to go to the 49ers Vs Titans football game while we are there too. I can't wait until then. Also, since I have been dieting it will be nice to be in San Fran so I can cut loose and eat some great Asian dishes! Is it Nov 6th yet?

Dieting is easy, but is sucks

I've lost 12 lbs now in a week just by eating smart. It's not really hard to eat healthy choices because I work in a grocery store and I have many options, it's just that all the yummy stuff is what I can't eat. I haven't had soda in 8 days, which has to be the longest time in my life. All I want right now are some Doritos and a Coke Zero, but no, I must be good....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

End of Summer

Well, Summer is coming to a close fast, but I am not to worried. My favorite time of the year is the fall. There is nothing like a crisp, cool fall evening in Salt Lake City. The leaves are orange, the air is clean, and the rain leaves a wonderful smell in the air. I love Halloween. It is my favorite holiday and I'm not big on candy. Death is a huge fear of mine and I think I like Halloween so much because I get to taunt death and make light of it. Kind of silly, I know. I also celebrate my anniversary in the fall. I am married to a wonderful person who completes me. We have a good time together and we make the most if it come fall time. We go to Haunted Houses, do the anniversary thing, usually go on a vacation, etc...

Speaking of vacations, I am trying to get some time off this November to go visit my best friend David and his family in San Francisco. I went last year to see him and he helped me out through a patch in my life that I didn't know how to get through. I may only see him a few times a year now, but we share a life long bond and he will forever mean the world to me. Our family lives have mirrored each other for years and I think God made him my best friend for a reason!

I have just completed week three of my new job. It's hard work and the hours stink, but I feel more accomplished then I did before. Let's just hope I continue to move up so I can get better hours to see my wife lady more often. As much as I complain about working, I am just happy that I have a job that pays the bills. Now, if they'd just approve that vacation time!

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 thoughts...

Just watched some documentaries about 9/11 on the History Channel. I don't want to write a long blog and try to do myself proper representation on how I feel right now. I also don't want to be dramatic or too heavy either. I just want to say that my heart is still very hurt and I still feel pain and anger when I think of or see video of 9/11/2001. There will always be two parts of my life. The time before this event and the time after. My brother joined the Navy in 2001 and has spent a good amount of time over seas the past few years and I just want him to know that I love him and am proud of the man he has become. I love my country and I love New York. Life is fragile. Love those around you. Like my homeboy John Lennon said "Give Peace a Chance".