Monday, April 6, 2009


April 7th-
It has now been six years since you left us and I still dream about you every night. You made an impact on my life that will always be felt. I loved you like a brother and I always will. Everyone who knew you loved you and we all miss you so much that silly words do no justice. I hope you found the peace you truly needed to find. I love you big guy!

Grant A. Loebel


Jillian said...

Perfectly said

Ritza said...

I love that you are smart enough to know that "impact" is a noun, not a verb, and use it as such.

Anyhow, I know it's a rough day for you every year, but just remember, it was his choice, he needed peace, and I think he's found it. He's come to me in my dreams, just as I'm sure he's come to you in yours.
He's not really gone, you'll see him again someday, there way too much energy in this world to think otherwise.