Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Laker fans and CBS sports

Every once in awhile I get on CBS sports website and talk on the message boards. I like to argue sports. I write on this site as voltron183. That also happens to be my Xbox live log in if you ever want to get beat at Halo. Anyhow, the latest topic we've been talking about are LA Laker bandwagon fans. These people drive me nuts. Anyone who cheers for a certain sports team based on past accomplishments or because they are currently ranked number one, aren't real sports fans. Yes I'm talking to you Laker, Yankee, and Cowboys fans who aren't from any of those cities. Here is an excerpt of my last post:

Lakers fans from California do not bother me at all. Talk your trash. Have fun. Deny that Kobe Bryant is a rapist. Whatever. What bothers me are the bandwagon Laker fans from any other part of the country. You have all these guys walking around their little towns wearing a Kobe jersey with their fitted Yankees cap, talking about how the Patriots are going to win another Super Bowl. This drives me nuts. I am a Jazz season ticket holder and every time the Lakers are in town the arena is about 25% full of Laker fans who have never even seen Southern California. These people need to stop following other people like lost sheep and form an opinion of their own. Every one of them makes me sick that they claim all this Laker and Yankee heratige as their own, yet they have never been to the Bronx or once sat in Staples.

Laker fans, I usually talk more trash to you then to others on this board and it is due to the many bandwagon fools that rep your team. If you reside in California, hell, even Nevada, rep your boys. If you live in any other state and you are a Laker fan and all you've ever seen of California is Disneyland, you are the loser I am talking about....


Anonymous said...

Everyone here asks me who I want to win, the Cubs or the Brewers, the Bears or the Packers.
I look at them with what I hope is a very confused face and say "umm... go Jazz?"

Even though they were totally cooler when I was like 7 and Karl Malone and Stockton and Jeff Horacek all played.
Yeah, I was 7 when that happened. SHABAM! I make you feel old. :P


Anonymous said...

OK, actually I was 13 when Stockton retired.