Friday, February 20, 2009

Bandwagon fans part II The Celtics

Oh man. My buddy Matt Calacino has been a Celtics fan for years. He'd go to Jazz games with me during all the losing years the C's have had over the previous 10 years, just to support his guys. He was one out like 10 people in an arena that holds 19,911, to wear the Celtic green. Now that the C's have won their first title since the 80's, the arena was jam packed full of these bandwagon/fairweather idiots. All night long they mocked the Jazz. Yelled, talked trash, and were just plain annoying. Well, guess who got the last laugh? The Jazz pulled out the come from behind win, and sent these bandwagon idiots packing. Boy did I let them have it too. Lot of things I won't repeat on my blog :)

Hahahahaha GO JAZZ!!!!

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