Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

I just got back from house sitting for my parents. They took a trip to Hawaii and Jillian and myself stayed in their home to make sure my 17 year old brother Zach didn't kill my 13 year old sister Katie. It was fun staying there and spending time with the two of them. When I moved out of my parents over 10 years ago they were just little children, so it is kind of cool to see them interact as they are becoming young adults.

Today is Friday the 13th and I know this day holds many superstitions and is suppose to be an unlucky day, but 13 has always been a good number to me. Any of you who know me very well, know that any combination of 1 and 3, with it usually being 113 or 311 has meaning to me. Let me see if I can explain. First off, have any of you ever had a number follow you? I mean, I always seem to glance at the clock when it is 3:11 or 1:13, always, everyday. Not 1:12 or 3:10, but 1:13 and 3:11. When I check people out at Smith's totals always have combinations of 1's and 3's. When I played sports the number I was issued, not chosen was 31. Both my mother and Grandmother (who helped raise me) both had their funeral services on the 3rd at 11am. I got married on 11/3. There are countless ways this number interacts with me daily. You'd have to live my life for a day to see how much these numbers truly interact with me. I've always kind of thought they were my mother and grandmother letting me know they are watching me from above, I know cheesy but that is what I feel. Hell, the only time I win in Vegas is when I drop 13, 11, or 31 on roulette. So the number 13 is a good number for me and Friday the 13th is a happy day in my book. I do wonder though, do any of you see certain numbers constantly? I know that significant stuff always happens to my best friend David at 9:43, so I'm not alone in my number craziness.


Jillian said...

Well because I married you, your numbers have follwed me! Along with the number 26...I see that one a lot :) And usually 9's.

Anonymous said...

623 happens to pop up a lot for me. But I think that's just because I was born on June 23rd so I NOTICE more than any other combination of numbers.
