Sunday, June 2, 2013

Uncertain tomorrow

What a crazy roller coaster this life is. Just when you feel like everything in life is perfect, something comes up and dashes away those feelings. After 10 years of dedicated service at her work, my wife was let go. No real solid explanation, the HR guy brought in to do the deed even confessed his confusion as to why. I have my thoughts on what really happened, but it's not my battle or the proper forum so I'll leave it. But what kid of company lets go of a person who's given them 10 years of service and is 8 months pregnant? That's what kills me. She's due at anytime and they cut her free and took away her benefits. She did nothing immorally, nothing that deserves that kind of punishment. It was a "sorry, but we don't think this is working out" kind of deal and they sent her packing.

What a vile thing to do to someone. At my work there is a process that must be followed to let someone go and this place skipped about 5 steps. Such a poorly run company and I think that other peoples agendas took over. Maybe it's time to lawyer up?

In any event, here we sit a few weeks or even days away from the birth of our second child and we have lost a massive amount of our income. I've never been so scared or unsure in my life. My wife is a smart gal and will find something, that I'm sure. But the reality is that nobody is going to hire an 8 month pregnant woman who is then going to be taking maternity leave. It looks like 3 months without that income.

We will survive. It's what we do. We have a great cast of supporting family and friends. All these people, along with my awesome wife, is what's keeping the smile on my face, despite the uncertainty in my stomach.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If they 'let her go' because she was pregnant then that is illegal. If they didn't give her any real reason I would strongly suspect that might be the reason.