Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm pissed

I'm so pissed off at you right now.

Each year on April 7th I'm in a different mood. The first few years were filled with sadness and depression. Since then some have had happiness as I thought of all the good times. Some years I feel at peace. Last year it actually only grabbed my attention with a quick thought that was soon erased by the cute sounds of a 3 month old. But this year I am mad.

I am pissed that the one person with as much stupid and random NBA knowledge as me isn't here to watch his OKC Thunder (AKA Seattle Sonics) win the West. I'm pissed that I don't have my Big Man to pass the ball to on the post. I'm pissed that my knowledge of crappy and sappy hip-hop artists has dropped off since 2003. I'm pissed that I play video games alone. I'm pissed that I alone am the worst rapper from the group EP. I'm pissed you missed the Giants winning TWO Super Bowls. I'm pissed I turned 30 without you turning 30 too. I'm pissed that you missed my wedding. I'm pissed you never met Lucy. I'm pissed that you didn't let me know how you really felt. Things DO get better. I'm pissed you didn't let tomorrow come to find that out yourself.

Grant, I'm pissed off so bad right now, but I'm only mad because I love you so much. You'll always be in my heart old friend.

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