Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Time away

So my last blog was a quick short one. I said that I'd have a year retrospective blog about Lucy. I spend a good long time on it, and thought it was pretty good. I then tried to add pictures to it, and something went wrong. It just froze. When I reloaded it, all my words, thoughts, and charming stories were gone. It took all of my willpower to not throw my Mac through the wall. Maybe I'll rewrite it, maybe not. In any event, I wasn't in any mood to play on blogger for a bit.

So here I write, but who knows for how long? Lucy is all over the place and sitting down to write has been increasingly more difficult. Plus, I'm trying to watch what I write. I'm still hoping for reconciliation with some, and I don't want this blog to be a reason why things stay sour. Plus work has been extremely stressful for me during the past six months. My job duties have evolved and my new manager has a role for me that my last manager didn't. I'm trying to adapt and not go crazy.

Perhaps my mood will change and I'll write about my upcoming trip to Las Vegas. Maybe I'll be on to talk about all the new things Lu is doing. But for now, I feel like just stepping back for a bit and enjoying the ride.

See you all sometime, just not sure when.


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