Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who's your Daddy?


After two years of trying, Jill and I are FINALLY pregnant! I am so excited. I've really wanted this for a long time. I'm just trying not to get my hopes up too much until we get further along, since it's taken so long for this to happen. We'll see a doctor around May 24th to check up on things and see if the fertility medicine caused our one baby to be many babies!!! Keep us in your thoughts and send all your good vibes and karma my way!!!! Yay, I'm going to be a DAD! :)


Jillian said...

And an awesome dad at that!!

Harmony said...

congrats thats awesome!

Brian A said...

I'm very happy for you. It has taken a lot of "hard" work and patience from both of you. Congratulations, and I'm glad all is well and healthy.