Monday, May 31, 2010

It's a baby!

So we went to the "girly doctor" as I like to call it, and we had an ultrasound done on Jill. We are only 8 weeks along so we didn't go to find out the babies sex. No, we went to count babies. Since it was taking us a long time to get pregnant, we decided to take fertility pills. One "side-effect" of fertility drugs is that the chances of multiple births take place. I kept telling Jill that if we have more than one kid TLC better give us a reality show because I can't afford that, plus I'd be funner to watch then that crazy Kate lady! Anyhow, thankfully for us there was the only one little heartbeat. I was so happy! The ultrasound helped me get through a bunch of my worries (multiple kids, zero kids, etc...) and I feel much more confident. The dr. said our little "lima bean" had a good, healthy heartbeat. January 9th is the expected due date.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I bet he moves our due date again....he moved Kate's date FOUR times. At least he's thorough! ;)

P.S. I'm glad you're feeling more confident in it all! :D