Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jason Bay made my day!

The New York Giants controlled their own destiny to make the post season. All they needed to do was beat the Panthers in their final game at Giants Stadium, and then try to knock of the Vikings in Minnesota. The Panther game was suppose to be the easy one, and the Vikings game was suppose to be the struggle. Well, the Giants stunk it up in one of the worst played games I have ever seen. It was horrible. They got destroyed. No post season. Bye bye Eli. Have a nice summer.

I had to give up my Jazz season tickets this year. My new work schedule made it impossible to go to any games. However, I try to catch some games on TV and I always check the box scores. And just like always the Jazz are hanging around in mediocrity. They win games they probably shouldn't and lose games they should easily win.

But for now I have a lone bright spot in my sporting world. The New York Met's just signed the former Boston Redsox All Star, Jason Bay. This is a huge move as Bay is probably the best position player available this off season! This will give me plenty to cheer for. That is until the Met's take the field and lose like always! :)

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