Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Christmas was pretty good this year. Jill and I had our own little Christmas a few nights early. We lit the tree and turned out all the house lights. We set up each others stockings and exchanged gifts. We each got a bunch of great gifts this year and the moment itself was so special. It was a great night!

I didn't get to see my brother Brian, as he is home in Virginia, getting ready to go back out to sea. I didn't get to see my brother Keven, as he was with his friends. His two best friends were getting married and my brother actually got ordained a Reverend and got to perform the wedding on the 26th. I also didn't get to see my sister Sarah. She works at a ski resort in Park City and had to be to work at six in the morning. It was really weird not to see them, but I'm sure it will only get worse as we all get older.

I spent the night at my in laws house. They are great people and always make me feel welcome. I was surprised that they got up at six in the morning to open presents. All the kids are grown up, but the excitement was there and we all tore into our gifts. They were very sweet to Jill and I and gave us too much.

Later on we went and saw my Father, Wendy, my brother Zach and my sister Katie. It has been a tough year with my family and I. I love my family dearly, but I always seem to put my foot in my mouth and get myself into trouble. I was nervous to go over there, but as soon as I walked in, it all went away. Wendy and my Dad made me feel very welcome and they spoiled Jill and I too. It was very special for me to be there. I miss not seeing them as much as I'd like too. It was nice to try to put this summer behind us to move forward.

After that Jill and I found ourselves eating some Chinese food at a local restaurant. I thought about the movie A Christmas Story and sang "Fa ra ra ra ra" in my head the whole time. After we ate we unpacked all of our goodies at home and just sat and rested for a few hours. After that I took Jill to Anniversary Inn for her Birthday. Her B-Day is the day after Christmas, so I always try to spoil her on that day since she "only" gets goodies once a year. The Inn was nice as always and it was special to spend the night alone with my favorite person.

Christmas was pretty good to me.


Jillian said...

You're MY favorite person so I think that works out well. Thank you for a great Christmas!

And birthday, too!

Jacky Cheng said...

sounds like you had a great christmas! although my family doesn't celebrate the holiday, i do enjoy being able to go home (for break from school) and see matter how awkward it may be :)